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Everything posted by lingeringsoul

  1. added a couple of pics
  2. thanks guys for all your support.....yeah, butcher knives and baseball bats all out and ready. and no I don't have insurance, I was waiting until I turned 25 for the premium to go down as I usually don't have a lot of money saved up with rent, bills, food and the rest to pay so I guess I'll have to take it like a man. I'm fairly certain I won't see her again as the cops won't go actively looking for it, I guess it's up to me to try and find her. I'll be out of the skyline scene for the time being but I'll be back with a GTR sometime next year........hopefully. Too much crap happeninig to me these days, maybe i'll get lucky with lotto this week. Fingers cross For these cVnts who took my car, if you are reading this, you better PRAY I don't find out who you are. I'll break your arms and leg and paralyse you from the neck down and i'll keep you alive to suffer for the next 30 years. You bitches know where I live, i'll be waiting and i'll show you what it means to mess with my car. I'm sure the rest of SAU would love to smack you bitches up one by one.
  3. It was parked in the parking area of the aprtment. around the mowbray rd and pacific highway area
  4. Just as well that I don't keep my car fueled up, it's sitting on empty so might be careless enough not to fill up. So they probably won't go far with the amount in the tank
  5. As the post says, my car just got stolen 20 minutes ago from my home. If Any one is in the Chatswood area plz let me know Nissan Skyline R33 Gun metal grey Volks wheel Nismo sticker on windscreen AB20JV IF ANYONE HAS SEEN IT AROUND THE NORTH SHORE AREA PLZ LET ME KNOW JAMES Pics added and this http://image-cache.skylinesaustralia.com/f...-1146573111.jpg
  6. WOHOO.....ok i'll try to make it....I haven't driven my car in two weeks.
  7. horay!! thanx adam, i'll give you a call tomorrow and probably pick them up in the weekend so I can try to work on it during the week once they arrive..... I live in Chatswood.
  8. finally got around to paying for the accomodation slap me on the list when it goes through steve. cheers
  9. paid for my set, now the hardest part, waiting..........oh this is so exciting
  10. Hi there all, was wondering if any of you out have a set of spring compressors I could borrow for a weekend so I can get my suspension changed. thanks all James
  11. oh for god sakes, stop talking in caps and go take a pill and chill out man. If you are trying to sell things, it pays to be a bit nicer online otherwise you might scare other people away. just chill dude
  12. how long have you had your 34 before writing it off?
  13. at this point....this thread is a waste of space
  14. Use 4 space savers, it has that black racer look and CHEAP AS HELL
  15. so............this is NOT a TGIF thread?????
  16. faxed mine in today, hope you guys got it
  17. that site is AMAZING!!!!!!
  18. can I cone get off you on sunday?
  19. what he said. I'm interseted as well
  20. LOL @ the 45 degree positive camber
  21. i'll get the form in sometime this week, either tomorro or thursday
  22. WOOOHOOOO IM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d00dz --- 1st Time Primordial --- 1st Time! Liz ---- 1st time - SLOW smile.gif nath95 R31deviat --- 1st Time - SLOWer than Liz. Stolly D_I_F --- 1st Time Sh@un ---wasnt timed first time there, did 1.27 at OP GP (he cant get to a computer) satanic --- 1st Time yogi000 - been before, but never timed Oz GTR02V --- 1.12 godzl1975 tuitahi lingering soul ---- 1st time!!!! YEAH GONNA OWN U ALL!!!
  23. im fairly certain they r doing exactly what you are planning to do, right down to the sleeper part.
  24. isn't that what HPI mag is doing at the moment?
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