thanks guys for all your support.....yeah, butcher knives and baseball bats all out and ready.
and no I don't have insurance, I was waiting until I turned 25 for the premium to go down as I usually don't have a lot of money saved up with rent, bills, food and the rest to pay so I guess I'll have to take it like a man.
I'm fairly certain I won't see her again as the cops won't go actively looking for it, I guess it's up to me to try and find her. I'll be out of the skyline scene for the time being but I'll be back with a GTR sometime next year........hopefully. Too much crap happeninig to me these days, maybe i'll get lucky with lotto this week. Fingers cross
For these cVnts who took my car, if you are reading this, you better PRAY I don't find out who you are. I'll break your arms and leg and paralyse you from the neck down and i'll keep you alive to suffer for the next 30 years. You bitches know where I live, i'll be waiting and i'll show you what it means to mess with my car.
I'm sure the rest of SAU would love to smack you bitches up one by one.