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Everything posted by lingeringsoul

  1. when they start selling them here, all the other car markets goes to the grave muahahahahah
  2. cool, good to hear that.........that little fix only lasted for a few weeks lol.....came unstuck again while at the beginning of the SAU bbq....talk about bad timing
  3. OMG thats like 300 meters from where I live.....................I think i'll pop out and have a look now
  4. you have the bush that sit at the bottom of the gear lever?
  5. really? why is that? wouldn't the metal be more durable?
  6. just wondering if you have that little plastic bush that sits at the bottom of the gear lever for sale?
  7. Had an issuewith the littlebush at the bottom of the gear level a while back, I thought the problem was fixed but the damn thing came off again. Where would I find a metal piece of this thing? The original is in plastic but would prefer a metal piece so it doesn't wear out that quickly
  8. got pics for the rear bar corner pods?
  9. increase in boost and reliability don't go hand in hand.......you either sacrifice reliability by increasing boost (maxing it out) or you decrease boost to last longer.
  10. just wondering if you accept amex
  11. oops didn't realised you are in vic
  12. where about are you located? If its close, might pop over for a look
  13. OMG AWESOME STUFF AND MY CAR'S IN IT!!! YEAH!!!!! I vote E_lus shun be our official camera man for the next cruise. Definitely gonna take and hour to flick through all these
  14. Can't seem to upload the pics :S
  15. Fun day indeed.....................too exhausted to upload any photos......... and YAY!!!!!!! IM IN ONE OF THE PHOTOS!!!!!!! HEHEHEHEHEEH
  16. hardly anything for 16", 200-300 maybe
  17. So excited!!!! even washed the car today
  18. Excellent drawing.....................we want more
  19. SIGNED!!!!!! just don't expect me to go to work when it does air ^^
  20. why stripping such a beautiful undamaged car?
  21. fairly certain its a pod........mine didn't make any noise until I slapped on a pod, and it hisses like notomorrow
  22. will it be a big deal if I didn't have the sensor connected for say a week or something? how do you measure with the multimeter? where do you connect the points? anyone know?
  23. ROFL......yeah......what a let down..................
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