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Everything posted by lingeringsoul

  1. broken?? whats broken?
  2. UPDATE: Finally!!! its fixed, after 2 hours, its finally fixed. The problem was the first time I put the plastic bit back in, I didn't correctly fit it into the ball at the end of the lever, so when I wriggled the stick around, it must have come loose and feel back onto the side again. So this time around, I took the plastic bush out and fitted it onto the ball and then carefully put it back into the metal ring, then locked it up with the circlip. I gave it a good couple of shifts just to test it out and it seems to be fine for now. How it got out of that hole in the first place is still a mystry, maybe the vibration of the car knocked it loose, or maybe it just needs replacing. Well, i'll leave it for now and see how long it lasts, if the problem keeps coming back, then I'll get it replaced. This has been quite an interesting experience taking the gear lever apart all by myself and see what was inside. My dad used to do it when I was little and I didn't really know why he was so into it. I guess I understand now. Working on it all by myself seems to bring on a sense of achievement which really felt good. A pair of pliers - $2.75 A pair of circlip pliers - $13.95 Fixing the problem all by yourself - PRICELESS
  3. ok just took the thing apart and had a look inside, this is what i saw....i supposed the plastic ring is supposed to be sitting inside the metal ring? well it took me half an hour to actually get it out and when I finally put it in the right position, it was going fine. But when I try to put the circlip back on again, it went loose again, could it be that the ring poped out again? now I gotta make another trip to the hardware store to get a circlip pliers because the cheap 2.75 pari of pliers are losing their teeth...................
  4. ok here;s the picture taken after i removed the rubber bits. Just a quick question, is the circlip supposed to be loose? and is that bronze looking piece suppose to have that top bit missing? I'm just running off to the hardware store to get myself a pair of needle nosed pliers to remove the circlip
  5. hmmm...interesting.....might give that a try............ did he say a handful? just about everyone here who owns a R33 has that problem...............I think
  6. i guess im gonna have to put my R34 on hold and put the money into business or property.
  7. mmmmmmm......................riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
  8. what kinda business do you have mr r33? I sell my ass to the highest bidder
  9. whew, sure puts my mind at ease...............a bit
  10. thanks dude, thats what I was thinking as well, since there wasn't anything wrong with the clutch. Hey, aren't you the guy that sold me the bov adaptor? hey again :::::waves::::
  11. well the funny thing is, I was changing the gear knob yesterday just to rice up my car a little bit. All I did was unscrew the orginial knob and put on the shiny one. I think i'll take the entire plastic cover off tomorrow and see what's going on. I went and checked the fluid level, there's one tiny little plastic container sitting right next to the firewall and thats filled. There's a bigger container sitting next to the manifold and thats filled as well.
  12. what happens when it runs low?
  13. any chance of telling me where/how to check that fluid level?
  14. that happened an hour ago, I just got home, just wanted to see if anyone shed some light on how serious it is but I'll probably have to take it to a mech sometime next week.
  15. No, it's an aftermarket one....thats what the previous owner told me....it had a bite to it so I assumed it was aftermarket.
  16. I was driving back from clareville after looking at a cheap car for my friend, when all of a sudden, my gearshift became very loose. I was shifting into 5th when I found that I couldn't get it in gear. So I tried to shift down back to fourth, that failed as well, then tried third and when that didn't work, I had to pull 3 lanes over onto the curb, almost causing an accident. All this was happening on Mona Vale Rd, almost the middle of nowhere. After pulling over, I turned the car off and back on again and I was able put it in gear again, but the gear lever is still loose when in gear. Eventually I limped home in one piece. I looked under the car, no leaks of any kind, looked in the engine bay, nothing's burning or anything, not overheating. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my precious ride? Another problem was that, the damn stall in idle/clutch in came back again and this time I wasn't even using aftermarket BOV, I dunno whats wrong. Any help would be appreciated James
  17. any wiring needed/included for the gauge?
  18. lol seen that piece of shet.
  19. is it a bolt on? or does it need welding?
  20. yep, cops are owned.......the more $$$$$$$ you have, the better lawyer you get, then by the time he's through with the cops, they'll be apologising on tv wearing cardboard boxes
  21. I lost my wheel cap is there any shop that sells them? For Volks
  22. thats what i read as well
  23. get RX7!!! GETS CHIX LOTS OF IT, they'll think its a FA RA RI.......and coz it looks so sexy that I just came in my pants....... Evos are pretty but does not give me the throbbing feeing in my groin my 2c
  24. SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks all for the interest
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