I was driving back from clareville after looking at a cheap car for my friend, when all of a sudden, my gearshift became very loose. I was shifting into 5th when I found that I couldn't get it in gear. So I tried to shift down back to fourth, that failed as well, then tried third and when that didn't work, I had to pull 3 lanes over onto the curb, almost causing an accident. All this was happening on Mona Vale Rd, almost the middle of nowhere.
After pulling over, I turned the car off and back on again and I was able put it in gear again, but the gear lever is still loose when in gear. Eventually I limped home in one piece. I looked under the car, no leaks of any kind, looked in the engine bay, nothing's burning or anything, not overheating.
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my precious ride?
Another problem was that, the damn stall in idle/clutch in came back again and this time I wasn't even using aftermarket BOV, I dunno whats wrong.
Any help would be appreciated