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Everything posted by lingeringsoul

  1. lol damn cops.....damn thats a big fine.........
  2. my view on car alarm is bit mixed, any old thief can get it installed and then reverse install it just to see where all the wires are connected, but doing your own kill switch means that only you know what you did to the car, unless someone has put one in already in which case you'd want to change the location in case the guy is crook. Having an alarm does make it harder for the average thief to steal but then again, so does having a home make kill switch.
  3. so the $500 HKS ss BOV does absolute jack shit?
  4. can you get it at kmart? wats the name?
  5. Just wanna know if larger intercoolers will have more lag? All I know is that it cools the air. So whats up with the lag I hear people speak of? Will running a 600xwhateverxwhatever (you know what im talking about) on a stock turbo/engine lag the hell out of you?
  6. Have a kill switch built into the car.........or if you've bought one with the kill switch, change it to a new location after the sale goes through. Always have steering wheel locks along with the kill switch as well as ALWAYS CHECK THE DOORS ARE LOCKED.
  7. retarded law made by retards............complete waste of time.....politicians should all be shot
  8. i mean the cops are hardly gonna want you to jack up your car just to poke their broomsticks at the cat converter. If you put in a fake one, they might take one look underneath the car and think "ok so he has one" and leave you alone. Just a thought thats all.
  9. anyway of putting in a fake cat converter? maybe make one out tin can wrapped around the exhaust so that when the cops inspect, it looks like one but not really it....
  10. LOL.........imagine taking them all off.........neatly.........
  11. Just a Q.....if you knew the garage owner (or a friend) who happen to own some stock parts you could borrow the required parts off him (if he's willing), get the car complianced and all the paper work done and then immediately change it back to the parts that orginially came with the car?
  12. damn, thats a lot of lines being spotted..............i feel a bit left out here guys lol.....$10 to anyone who spots me......im desperate for attention.................................anyone...............hello?..........lol........
  13. MY GOD ITS PRETTY.....................thats it..............screw everyone who tells me not to respray mine white...............R33 in white is just too sexy to resist Anyone know where to get these sexy halogen lights?
  14. Hi, just a couple of Q Where are u located How much is postage to sydney Do I need any other parts to fit it onto a R33? thanks ^^
  15. Does it say HKS on the side? I hear the real ones have it carved on the side. Anything wrong with it? Will it fit on R33? Got pics?
  16. maybe the pix from the camera are too big..........shrinking them down might work......not too sure....... Im basically interested to see how every step goes, I've never seen how they are changed and really curious.
  17. R33 GTS4 is a NA????? I thought GTS4s are turboed? they come with two versions?
  18. oh my guess was right after all ^^ thank you haha don't know about the legal issues, but most ppl seem to ignore it here
  19. I'm rather embarrased to ask this, I've seen BOV of all kind but I don't exactly know what the stock BOV looks like or where it is located on the R33 GTSt..........any help would be appreciated.
  20. Iusedto have that problem as well on my old skyline, the power steering fluid was leaking until it was empty. I filled it back up and it was fine again............until it leaked out again.
  21. is anyone gonna take photos of the FMIC installation? Would be good if someone could post it up after its done since I don't think I can make it on Saturday Someone tell me the address plz, I'll pop by on sunday
  22. can't believe the crap...........what a shocker................almost cried when I saw the price.
  23. so basically all I have to do it undo the old nuts and bolts and swap in the new ones? guess its time to start looking for a larger dump and front pipe.
  24. do you need a welder to install the dump pipe or install a bigger cat converter? I have no idea how to weld.......
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