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Everything posted by lingeringsoul

  1. ok ciggy lighter seems to be a good idea here.....its just that ther's a small button on the gauges for change of color but I don't know if thats also an on/off switch or not. I'll give the ciggy lighter a try first nonetheless
  2. lol not angry, but I do have a keyboard!!!!! in all seriousness, space saver bad mmmkay?
  3. i'd slash their space savers to get them off the road and prevent an accident. this space saver shit must be the new "look at me, I'm a fu(kwit" trend.......the 5" cannon exhaust and the 200 db blowoff and pidgeon in the engine bay trend must be on its way out.
  4. so still no definite answer as to where to wire it? I don' have a dimmer swtich. The mechanical part I can work out, it's the electrical part that has me confused
  5. everyone knows that if you buy a 4 door your cool factor is instantly elevated to that of D1 drifter Nomuken because 34 4doors are just one of the better looking 4 door skyline out there.
  6. damn it you beat me to it, I was going to do it on the dot at 12............but HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZZEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. yes sire, got that along with other metal bits and pieces.
  8. Hi all, just got myself my 3rd piece of rice gear, some gauges, boost, oil temp and oil pressure. I was told it lights up seven different colors!!!!!!!! WOW Any who, don't have a clue how to connec them up. I think I know how to connect the boost gauge but don't know how to connect up the oil pressure and oil temperature gauges. I think they are electrical gauges beacuse the only thigns coming out of their asses are wires. I'll try to get some picture up for all to see and hopefully someone will know what to do. Did I mention, IT HAS SEVEN DIFFERENCE COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! James
  9. I personally think they got the design perfect for the new astra. Saw one the other day with some sexy 18" or is it 19"s, couldn't take my eyes off it. Imagine these hatches with some basic go fast bits like exhaust, cold air intake and up some boost, damn, I'd be worried.
  10. All these new hatches coming out these days are making me a little uneasy. VW R32- 3.2L engine, BMW 130 - 3 L engine......I remember hatches used to be 1.3 -1.8 litres but lately, these bigger displacement engines are becoming increasinly popular in small hatches. Then there's the new Mazda whatever turbo hatch with 195kw, jez, they are just getting more and more powerful. I don't know, maybe I'm just jealous because I have a small dick........engine. :sorcerer:
  11. Hot stuff....you made the right choice with the black on polished lip rather than the silver
  12. reanult sux..................that is all
  13. that is another story.....
  14. you'll get RAPED!!!! front rear sideways and any other possible ways you can think of. now......::::::::::::::::::::::::patiently wait for the moderators to close this:::::::::::::::::
  15. oh there's a lot of love going on around here........... Just want to find out something, am I allowed to split the day with someone else? I wnat to do the grip session but not the drift session due to me being ridiculously broke and clutch on its way out and the fact there's another track day in October.
  16. you mean the round lights next to the blinkers? Some time I leave them on because they look sexy.
  17. can't trust a shop when they advertise a ferrari with 20" blings......I'm surprised ferrari hasn't sued them for defamation....
  18. can u put me down for this one? will pay in the later weeks.....
  19. as much I love original products, money is still an issue for me. Guess i'll get them when I get a bettter paying job. BeeR copies gonna be the the new implus now? Oh noes hope not........i think the impuls dish look is still popular, heck even I was tempted to get some......but i'll be wanting some BeeR wheels in the very distant future.
  20. pretty sure it won't fit my car. hope someone starts selling these 5 spoke BeeR copies soon, they are just too nice to ignore
  21. As the title states.......curious to know if they are avail or not and when they will be.....no one seems to be making copies of them.....damn sexy wheels
  22. i'm still hoping for the Z restoration/modification and some good in depth articles on rotaries and honda engines. Ben if you are reading this, MOD UP THE CLASSIC Z PUHLEAAAASE!!!!!!!!
  23. As the topic suggest, I'm interested in finding out how much power the RB25 stock internals can sustain before I need to change things like pistons. I know that more power or boost, the more it is prone to break but I'd like to know how much power will it take to really damage things like the pistons or blow something. Any info is welcome.
  24. 10-20kw.....mine was 10......some people had 20 increase
  25. spotted the new holden today at chatswood......didn't know it was out already
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