Hi guys,
As some of you might know me i had this thread back in 2004 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...1&hl=MRPREZ
And now for the exciting part. As per my researches i have done this converion and i could claim to be the 1st R32 GTST in NSW thats have done this. and i want you guys to tell me what you think about it.
ok now to what i have done:
Engine: RB30 buttom end with RB26 Head, PAR rods, Arias pistons(High compression), balcnced standard crankshaft.
SARD 800cc injectors
Standard GTR fuel rail
Single Ford throtle body ( for easier tuning )
Same custom exhaust manifold
Same Tial 38mm gate
GT42R with 1.16 Exhaust housing
Standard Camshafts
Standard RB20 Radiator
Bosch 044 Fuel pump (Intank)
E-Boost 2 running max 16 PSI
--- Performance ---
16 PSI made 342 rwkw = 466 rwhw
I ran a 11.20 at 122mph with 60" of 1.58 with standard RB20 box at 12.8 PSI that got away with it that day but in october 2006 i snaped the output shaft
Now i have a Series II RB25 box which is hell alot stronger.
Im pretty happy with my old box that lasted me taht long and the gears are still good in it except the output shaft
If you guys are interested to share some info about the mods just PM me.
Until more news