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About Tylthidras

  • Birthday 03/09/1987

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    Adelaide, SA

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  1. ooooooh. i likey. the ones at marion turned out better than i hoped, fluke of the year.
  2. tell her to get off msn an load the damn pics up already, i want to see how they actually turned out on something other than a piss ant camera screen...
  3. ^^ you on raglin avenue. nearly stepped in front of you as i left work lmao.
  4. saw pkblade on back of a towtruck turning onto greenhill this arvo. hadn't seen it with the new kit & wing, looks pretty nice. why was it on a towy patrick?? hope nothing's wrong!
  5. yeah i see kackle up in blackwood a fair bit actually. well, did whlist i was still working there.
  6. yeah had this tool in some red 31 drop into my work hey, dunno what he was on about.
  7. thought that looked like stevie's coupe lol!!! pics look excellent, nice work!
  8. + 1 for the southerners, i'm on the edge of happy valley. 30 secs i'm at the bottom of the windy section on chandlers hill road. Gateway to the southern & eastern hills i reckon, back hill roads all the way.
  9. I kinda agree with what bl4ck32 said...but there are times i wish mine was working just for the simple walk away factor, whether i've been thrashing or not.
  10. vange turning onto rundle last night bout....um flick what time we get to freedom's lol?? an met madaz as well. we half got the front guards rolled on my mates pug man, i got the right done pretty damn well, left just wouldn't happen haha.
  11. Yeah saw your ^^ carat various points. Unfortunatley mine was one of the ones to have problems. Tailshaft decided it wanted to part from the diff at bout $1.50. Got bolts from murray bridge, improvised, then it dropped again trying to nurse home on freeway, smacked the floor hardcore.
  12. spotted wine red r33, black tri spoke wheels at freedom last night. vange again there too. u were in an out so again didn't say hi
  13. Heading through some of the East/South Eastern hills, towards Balhannah, Murray Bridge, Crafers & Belair/Blackwood, approximately 200km's long. 2pm meet, 2:30pm leave. ask for PM for meet spot. B)
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