^^ You'd be suprised.
I had to face court over a driving with undue care charge, i had to cop the 3 points (they were backdated to the date of offence tho and i'd appealed since then so they just got wiped), but i only got a $75 fine an kept my licence.
Basically - when you go in, have a letter from your boss, and talk to the legal aid representative at the court before you go in. They're usually very helpful, and will sit down with you explain what to say ya da ya da.
with my court date your whole official jargon of the charge was read out, then the judge asks you if there's any incorrect information or anything you'd like to add. That's when you say i have a letter from my boss, if i lose licence i lose my job, my job is not only employment it's developing into a lifelong career, i realise now how stupid my actions were 11 months ago and i believe i have matured greatly since then, and ask not to be convicted.
Avoiding conviction is pretty much 0%, but it makes ur point that u don't want to be screwed up. If you're lucky you'll get a cool judge, and u'll keep ur licence. I've seen people keep it for worse things.
god luck