OK i managed to get that pulley off without a puller, and the front cover off. now for another big write up:
Ok!!! I finally got it off, after a shitload of CRC (WD40), a whole small can of it infact! And CRC gasket remover in the seam between the front cover and block. (I was very carefull not to get it near my near head gasket). Then about 10 mins later and alot of baking in the sun (its was 28 celcius here when i was doing it) i gave the four corners a whack with a hammer and it finally came lose!!
Then I cleaned all of the bits that came off with degreaser for a good hour.
They came up really nice!
While the degreaser was doing it's job I started working on the tensionner, chain and getting it the cam sprocket back on the cam (with the chain on it).
Now i'm a bit paranoid that in the whole process of getting the crankshaft pulley bolt out, that I moved it from TDC. My cam is set to how it was when I took the head off. I adjusted the crank to back to what should have been TDC on #1. Then I put the cam sprocket with chain back onto the cam.
Was that the correct thing to do? I have "How to Modify Datsun & Nissan Motors" and a Skyline FSM (doesnt actually cover the L20ET though, only the L20 (carb) and L24E. I'm pretty sure I set the timing correct in that perspective but im not sure. I tried going by the literature that I have. Someone PLEASE help me out, PM me if you dont feel like writing a reply to this.
How do I know that the cam is alligned with the crankshaft correctly? If the timings all messed up when I get it running again will it be a huge mission to correct it? ;etc etc