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32 4whore

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Everything posted by 32 4whore

  1. Far out. That hit sounded harsh. So when are you gunna teach me how to be as mental as you hey Simon?????????????
  2. SO what are you looking for then? Does anything we have offered tickle your fancy?
  3. Yeh they are them Danny. Now about these sexual favours????????????????????????????? Only for you danny. Now back to this guy wanting my rims
  4. I have some Enkei Gspec 18 x 9 and 18 x 10 +10 with rubber $2000 and they are yours
  5. So my efforts are now finished. Loving the look of it now huddy. Seen as though i worked on it does that mean I can drive it??????????????????????????????????? one day when im good enough I hope
  6. This was one of my mates. Her boyfriend died, she is in hospital with a broken collar bone and damage to her spine. Her late bf's mate was driving. Believed to be drunk and he walked away with only scratches. The driver was discharged from hospital and im very sure will be put back into hospital after what he has done. Doing the speeds he was doing with 2 innocent ppl in the car with him. Im so upset and angry about this. R.I.P MATT. And speedy recovery Lauren
  7. Check CAS. The plug needs to be pushed in all the way until you here the click. Also check if the plugs to ignitor and coilpacks are the same. Working on my RB20 i forgot to push these plugs in and it wouldnt start. Ended up having to double check everything. I have the Engine manual printed out in a folder. It doesnt really have a step by step diagnosis (sp) area. But it is very helpful. The manual is of all the R32 engines. so CA is in it.
  8. LOL ease up guys. im only young Here are some pics. Thanks to MCP. Last weekend wouldnt have happened without the help form him http://www.pbase.com/mcphotographics/070707 The link of the thread I made on NS. http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=245651
  9. Steering Rod. Or something like that. He turned to reverse out of the pits. I looke dup and one wheel was turned on full lock and the other wheel was straight flush wth the gaurd.
  10. I have footage but i cant edit it right now. Christian got knocked out but im not sure who by. He was in pain from his surgery and the scars havent healed properly
  11. Yes they will fit. Just minor things need to be done to make them fit.
  12. Joel SLY 031 ( i think) and a few of us went over to Eastern Creek for the Drift comp. Massive long trip in a tarago all squished up. Joel Qualified 1st but got knocked out against another SA driver Eddie Modra due to a fowled spark plug. Eddie then went through and came 3rd in Super Drift. Team Peer came out with the Team Drift win. Team WHeelworx member Linden Reynolds had to drop out of Team Drift due to a suspension compnent breaking just before driving out to the grid. But Fellow team member of Tarmac Army Tom Monkhouse won the overal competition. Beating all 3 Peer cars to win the round. Was awsome watching tom get within 6 inches of the other cars. I believe i saw some yellow paint on his front right rim at one stage aswel. Just thought i would let SAU members know of SA's Efforts in the latest Drift Australia round Come on ROund 4 in qld
  13. I will be there. Well my car will be. I will be celebrating my mate getting married. YAY for Huddy getting married. Im entering with another club. Will come up and SAY HELLO to everyone form here.
  14. I was going to say. If anyone posted up street skidding spots i wouldnt be happy. Keep it on the track. Mallala & Ar are good. But yeh can't wait for Port G. to re open.
  15. I wish i could have come. Looked like an awsome time. Stupid gay work. Hope all had a safe and fun time. Will need to get time off work for the next one. ANd hopefully by then i have more power, and my rims paid off.
  16. Flick: Yeh i work at hudsons downstairs. HAHAHAH it was ur sister. i thought it was a guy. Woops my bad. I saw u drive around twice. then u left. And Kye, I thought it was u. I was in a world of my own though. Come say hi to me if anyone comes to the airport. I work at the DOWNSTAIRS Hudsons. not the upstairs one as alot of ppl find out the hard way. Anywho enjoy your day. Brenton
  17. Also saw u drive past i assume going to pick someone up. I looked up and noticed a blue R32. Looked harder and laughed. not in a mean way. I just laughed as i was on my tippie toes over the coffee machine watching u drive past. The customers and the girls i work with were wondering what i was looking at. Car looks awsome mate.
  18. Saw flick parked at Bilo this morning getting fuel across the road. Then saw her at my way to work at the airport. I waved back. I wasnt sure if u saw me waving. I was then crossing the street to the airport and i pointed at u. Anywho. Must actually introduce myself one day
  19. Yeh Im keen. Break out the 4dr. I have work at 2pm. Might try and make it to the meet spot if its not to far from the airport. CHeers
  20. I have a 32. GIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Is this any different to a Skyline 32. at all? As i have the said box above my left knee ontop of the bottom part of the dash. But i have a feeling its for my central locking. And there is only one set of wires going to it.
  22. THATS SICK AND SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Here ya go mate. this is what it looked like And this is what it looks like now It makes the car look alot better. Well I believe anyway.
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