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Everything posted by viet_boi

  1. to clear things up: R34 dont have a fuse box under the steering wheel next to the accelerator..light fuses and all that is behind the battery in the engine bay.
  2. if your interested in angels and all that, I can hook them up for you, did them on some bmw's and no electrical faults or any faults and could show you the ones I've done.
  3. with my R34, i thought it woulda been under the steering wheel like my r33, but the R34 had a little glove box under there instead, it ended up being in the engine bay right behind the battery..check that out
  4. isn't it you can go 2inch's bigger than stocks??
  5. R34 ftw GTR 34 ftmw
  6. Agreed with Bubba, must have deep pockets if your planning onto buying these cars as if something small breaks, its a big pay out, service is alright as its about 1k a year or whenever it shows on the dash. Looking at a Japanese car, you'd be getting that service about once every 3months? or less depending how much you drive so thats like $200 x 4 services a year = $800 a year..so not really much different for service. Just parts are hefty. example: when I had the Alfa Romeo, costed me 3k for a stock clutch, while with a the skyline it woulda costed me just under 1k for a upgraded heavy duty clutch Good luck with the purchase anyway.
  7. wgmg: The freeway today heading to city
  8. if your planning on making your car into a track car, keep the carbon boot (weight reduction) but if not, just fill up the stock one and paint it. I dont really see a point in carbon fibre boots unless your car is for track.. hoods is a different case because they got vents. each to there own
  9. lol time to finish off the exhaust system and make this rb25 sound more beasty, have you checked out www.justjap.com?
  10. Welcome to the forums bro, how does it feel driving that than the lancer?
  11. tunnel = wet this morning friends in car = would show off drop a gear and plant it to hear the sound of zorst in tunnel, wheel spin, wall grinding. never know..could be?
  12. what front bar is that?
  13. wow! nice choice with the rims, car looks really nice and stealthy
  14. .... f*k look how old the thread is
  15. if anyone needs someone to install HID's, send me a PM, got a mate that would do it for a good price.
  16. ^^^ like what she said best to get RAC check to see if it has been in an accident or not. but changing steering wheel you would need to pop the airbag. let us know how you go anyways
  17. Mighty Car Mods know there shit!
  18. yeah need anything David, just give me a PM, can sort it out for you.
  19. Welcome to the Forums David. for guard rolling, my mates place rolls guards for $50 per corner. top quality work no f*king around. R34, I told the guy that bought my R34 to go with HBF Insurance and talk to one of my friends, and his only paying $1200 under his name and his only 20 I think. Decent price for unlimited mods.
  20. Italiano? your not related to Dean Italiano by any chance?
  21. yeah when you heard it, was when I had the stock bov back on, had a HKS a month or 2 before and the sound got too annoying so ended up smashing the stock back on...
  22. isnt that whistling sound or high pitch sound the HKS ssqv? used to have that on my 34
  23. ^^^ Agreed, 50/50 answers.. if you like the sound, go for it champ.. good excuse for bigger turbo if anything does go wrong which I haven't seen yet..
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