Shared a 98 lancer with my sister to learn on, then got my mums old car, a 97magna, Then bought the 33 GTS-T. I was so in love with it wen i got it lol!!
ITEM: Turbosmart boost tap.
PRICE: $60
LOCATION: Newcastle or Forster or Sydney.
REASON: Not needed any longer
INFO: Was only on the car for a short time, works fine!!
ITEM: Stock R33 Intercooler with air duct and some pipes.
PRICE: $80
REASON: Upgraded to bigger FMIC
INFO: It is in perfect cond!!
ITEM: Taco with inbuilt shift light.
PRICE: $75
INFO: Hasn't been used, still in box with instructions.
ITEM: Stock Front/dump pipe off a R33
PRICE: Make an offer!
I think it just needs to be in a box, unique autosports in sydney sell air box's for skylines with pod filters. Or you can make your own with some tin snips and a street sign!! Just make sure the writing of the signs on the inside of the box...
I stole some ag pipe from work to duct air to my filter, used cable ties too. What would we do without them. I've also on accasions blocked my standard BOV to get the flutter noise, But my car stalls wen i do that. Any1 know why it does that?
I just moved to newy and noticed ppl with lines wavin, freaked me out a lil at first too. Sorry to the ppl i didnt wave to, i'll wave next time. Im the snob in the silver 33, stock lookin!
The lone ranger and Tonto are out riding on the planes one day when Tonto gets down off his horse and puts his ear to the ground and sayas "buffalo come!"
The lone ranger asks him "how can you tell?"
Tonto replies "face sticky!!"
Today i installed a turbosmart single stage boost tap. I've put it between the intercooler pipe and the actuator. It's wound all the way in, so lowest boost, but its spiking. What have i done wrong????????
OK, can someone please help me. I just installed a turbosmart boostcontroller, like a single stage boost tap. And i'm pretty sure i've got it right, but it spiked wen i went for a fang. Any ideas what i've done wrong?????