true, he planning on going out at 8pmish, any ideas on what will soak then good for then? or something that can just be pourd over the tyres for massive smoke
Ok, my brother wants to go out tonight and go nuts in his sick commdore , he wants to make his tyre smoke extra nice. He says soaking in diesel will help, but doesnt that take days to prepare ( power cruise burnout boys will know)
anyway else know what to put on em to help him smoke?
hahahahah, im not asking u both to produce one, perhaps its time SAU got another commitee with a group of poeple producing certain things for the club, this way it isnt left to one person, and things actually come out as promised.
atleast we shall have a calendar though,
perhaps next year, u could put your hand up, seeing as u know the process already. And can take some fantastic photos.
true, but as it was is first calendar, u have to let things like wrong numbers, and some horid pics slide, i honestly did want another one, but i dont see it happening, perhaps John, you and Col can produce one