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Everything posted by Silver_R34_GT-T

  1. oh i agree, but its a nice canal estate, and it is closer to everytihn, (instead of bribie) so it suits us.
  2. hmmm, thats alot of Hommus
  3. they are perfect, i know it doesnt me cash, i was being lame. but they simply wrote a check,
  4. Cya Squizz
  5. lol, aslong as nothing gets forced into me, i can make a sacrafice or two for the $$$$$ ahahaha, kidding.,
  6. Hahahaha just kidding on the SON thing shane, we are still just friends.. NOTHING more lol
  7. wow, just speaking to the realestate agent nextdoor, a person bought a house in the next street for 1.45 million and paid cash... CASh I said damn, was it in a briefcase lol.. and he replied, nah they just inherited 42 MIllion from the dead parent I MUST GO AROUND THERE AND SEE IF THEY HAVE A DAUGHTER, OR MAYBE A SON ahahahahahahaha
  8. lol nah its cool, last time i went hooning in his car, the wheel came off lol. :s i was actually amazed to see that his car is spinning two wheels now.... hahha 18+ stuff, i havent seen squizz online in long time, and now hes here harrasing the whores.
  9. hahaha i went and told my little brother that its rainy, he jumed up, through his math text book down, and ran out the door to his car. i walked to window in time to see him sliding out of the street lol.. COMMODORE DRIVERS FTW
  10. ah fair enougn then
  11. hashaha, gotta go push the car , i tohught u just left it under that carport?
  12. hmm, so who thinks it will rain, and will tihs rain reach the dams lol
  13. Hahahahaha Nice.
  14. but yeah to be honest i couldnt really give a f**k, If it bothers you two that much its either a phone call, or a car ride away from sorting it out.
  15. hahahah, taking one for the team
  16. yeah, i suppose so, but they going at each other, does that really effect us? dont like it dohnt read it, but fair enough pm's is the place for it then
  17. Pffft ket him talk, this is whore town, if we ban one person from talking, then we might aswell ban others...
  18. What, did i miss the melbourne cup....
  19. Im always on Holidays
  20. im alright,, im so angry with PAYPAL though lol
  22. Are you sure Dave, i was told by a number of members on here not to use it, as pre 2000 nissans cant use it for some reason... but i guess if you been using with no problmesn must be alright
  23. Hmm sounds good Dave wanna see fish when you catchthem PICS PICS PICS yay
  24. http://www.shell.com/home/Framework?siteId...ut_ga_1602.html bam, V power Racing. is the ethonol one. heck i havent been to a petrol pump in 2 months andyet i know.. Look harder John you will find it
  25. John shell still does the two fuels, one is V power, and the other is V power racing or what ever they call it
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