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Everything posted by Silver_R34_GT-T

  1. im always watching you lee
  2. seems a bit random there anna, or are u refering to somethin else said in anohter post perhaps.?
  3. i said what do you mean,.... which jokes
  4. what you mean, which jokes??
  5. hhahahah family guy jackass tribute http://youtube.com/watch?v=nVwZMMxaLLE&amp...ted&search=
  6. STEWIE AT HIS BEST, A MUST WATCH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBhOMkUmehs
  7. http://youtube.com/watch?v=SmNg4ZJcPTs ahahah cookie monster http://youtube.com/watch?v=KbfCOB0uoks&amp...ted&search=
  8. hmm bored. time to go talk to you all later
  9. hmm, i mihgt go watch jackass 2 again.
  10. Hmm i had hungray jacks, large whopper meal and cheeseburger for 3 bucks, cant go wrong
  11. where did everyone go.
  12. Snoop Doop Bubble Loop
  13. hahahhaa, i can show you that http://youtube.com/watch?v=WC3zINXZNfg ive shown it before but what the hell asso i found a guy feeding a mouse to a fish, it swollows it
  14. ahahaha this is so so so fake http://youtube.com/watch?v=n23_IsU4Uic
  15. john, wathc this, it might help you relax http://youtube.com/watch?v=ulluJ1ofNhA&amp...ted&search=
  16. his merc, he sold his calais. so i suppose its good as the car is smaller lol
  17. hehehe i went for a drive before, how naughty lol
  18. man, the midday movie sucks, its anna and the king or some shit
  19. wathc both of these you will laugh http://youtube.com/watch?v=ScfUjvE1NCg and http://youtube.com/watch?v=PhS2vHQZWyk&amp...ted&search= and http://youtube.com/watch?v=Od-NWgU-sUQ&amp...ted&search=
  20. IM back yay
  21. ANYWAY FOLKS. i need breakfast, so i will be back later on. cya
  22. lol, yeah using deep heat last time, burned like no tomorrow.
  23. But Lee and Shane, im always ready for you two, with arms wide open
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