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Everything posted by Silver_R34_GT-T

  1. i have probably alrady posted but dont remember,, this guy gets PWNED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhK54dk6a5E...ted&search= i hope this never happens to me,
  2. Hmm me bored, im watching a cooking show on tv
  3. hahah funny as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuS04neNahs&NR
  4. hahaha hey Matt
  6. go the mighty skyline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvOyg8_J4YQ
  7. Hhahah gay jokes
  8. Can anyone here, actually plan SIM CITy 4 or sim city rush hour succesfully? I have no idea how to play lol, i just keep typing in money cheats
  9. hmmm, candy treat bryn good
  10. the 30 inch was awesome, i was playing NFS2 on it, and counter strike, the 22 is still ok, but when i go back to my 17 in my room it sh1ts me
  11. my dad purchased a 30inch (i think) LCD screen for one of the computers in the office, it was way way to big and everyone complained, so thats now in his bedroom, and he purchased a 22 instead The bigger is better
  12. hmmm Muffins
  13. Hm lunch im hungry, Waht HP did col say he was going to get? Similiar to shanes 700HP
  14. day 1 of my 5 day weekend, im relaxing , how bout you troy
  15. HMm, chocolate muffin treat bryn good
  16. Is chuck norris currently on channel 9 on a show called everwood?
  17. I assume your talking about the ""addicted to youtube"" video, not the funny car crashes
  18. WOW, WRC crashes Ok im bored now
  19. Holy crap, thats a nasty rally CRASH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piB9WnUgGt4
  20. Mornign Shane This video explains my life PERFECT, except for the fluffy toys
  21. hahaha, gold, OMG my sig has gone too
  22. Hey Mike, family is home now, and im sick of them already
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