This is why we cant have nice things.
On the topic of superbowl, I am a Giants fan, I am excite, I want to see the winning touchdown in the final seconds again, also DIAF Tom Brady.
same, I was dissapoint. I was also dissapoint that the absolutely massive guard at the bridge did nothing at all to help fight Alduin, I mean he is 10 feet tall a built like a brick sh!thouse yet does not lift a finger to help! lol
Hmm looks like I had better keep taking the Mazda to Kingaroy instead of the GTR...every time I go up at night time i get stopped in Nanango but never Moore....and it sounds like I would like to keep it that way!
Any time I have said I WOULD come I have been there...My might record is not as good lol
PS when the hell is our next cricket game, I have totally lost track.
I am at level 38 now, Have a Daedric Bow with fire damage...its pretty handy! I also have a dwarven one with soul capture for hunting animals to fill up my soul gems!
I almost finished the main quest, but didnt want to yet so I have gone and done a bunch of side quests.
I have gone down the light armour route...I get jealous of the Dragon Plate/Daedric Armour, but I think the heavy armour will make it too hard for me to sneak