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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Oh i didnt know it replenished. I am off to mine more ebony! I have daedric weapons i want to improve!
  2. Lets go easy...the next collapse is just a few innings away!
  3. Yeah its true. As any character you cannot marry a cat. As a Cat you can get married but it would seem that is going aginst the morals of cat kind! I have Mjoll as a wive and use her as a follower where sneaking is not required, she is awesome! Gives me money, beats the shit out of monsters with the warhammer I made her! I will have to stop using her soon as she stops leveling with you at level 40 and I am 37 I use Aella when I want to sneak and will use her between level 40 and 50, then i will be forced to use that F**kwit J'zargo for the rest as he is the only one that levels with you all the way to 81
  4. sadly they do not
  5. I am a cat and am married, you just cant marry other cats because apparently most cats dont like getting married.
  6. just watched Martins wrap up video, I really need to get my richness issue sorted out! At least I can accelerate under the cover of my smoke screen though, stealthy.
  7. Sounds like a slipping clutch to me
  8. Merry Christmas everyone, as Col says, be safe!
  9. yeah, luckily it was only about 4k before tax over a year but still...I would be happier WITH the money lol
  10. I got a reverse payrise....so eff you and your German Club!!!
  11. I am running the same oil as smits as I couldn't get royal purple, has been solid so far.
  12. Royal purple or penrite sin, turbo light is shit, every time I have used it I have had inconsistent oil pressure after about 2000kms
  13. sweet, thanks
  14. whats the recipie for the improve black smithing potion?
  15. I stole one once when I had too much stuff and couldnt fast travel, they got really angry about it....chased me for a long long time! Then when I hopped off to fight a troll the horse headed home and I couldnt catch up to him!
  16. Pay the man at the stables to take you to any major city in his cart! Once they are all discovered just fast travel from there.
  17. I made about 600 iron daggers to get my smithing to 100, I really wanted to make dragon armour for myself and my follower as I was tired of finding places to stash my dragon parts. Dragon Armour is pretty damn cool, going to work on my enchanting and stuff soon. I need to do some missions though as I wasted so much time smashing out daggers that I am broke and bored so spending a few hours enchanting isnt that appealing just now!
  18. This guy knows $850 with the rotors or $370 odd for just the mounting brackets.
  19. This test is going to be awesome, chasing a gettable total on a difficult deck, what more could you ask for as a finish to a test?
  20. I dont think we will have much to be embaressed about in a few sessions time when we have an epic lead!
  21. I was a bit pissed when I first found out...but then I realised that in 10 months time I will be able to apply to 'progess' my role into that same payscale anyway so at worst I have only been set back 10 months. And in talking to my boss I dont think he is going to fill the vacancies in our team from that order of merit anyway as he doesnt like the order so he may be running his own process for our team soon. They really have no business in international cricket Principal Environmental Officer in DERM
  22. TFIF indeed, I did not get the job I have been acting in for the best part of a year, need to get blind, This is what happens when the selection process is being run by other units and not your own.
  23. I am assuming that after I had died someone would suit me up.
  24. Theives guild missions zzzzzzzz
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