i am t minus 7 hours! Gah unlucky
In other news, last night Annas car provided me with much lulz, I was driving through south bank and got stopped at a set of lights, two girls in thier late teens decided to run across the road, the light went green i drove off expecting them to stop on the island in the middle when they saw that the light was now green and traffic was heading thier way....NO instead they decided to keep going causing me to have to slow down to let them through....as payback i timed my run perfectly so that i would hit the limiter in first just as i drew level with them, being an ignition cut limiter it made all sorts of noise and flamage, one girl attempted to keep running and look to see WTF was making all that noise, she tripped as a result of trying to look and run and face planted on the foot path....Lucifer 1 Teens 0