Ok Time for my thank yous
Firstly I would like to thank Anna, with out her I dont think it would have gone ahead, When I was getting nowhere with the officials Anna took over and pestered them until we got the answers we needed, Further more organising it so that we got the required people with the required forms at the required place took a massive behind the scenes effort
Secondly I would like to thank all the members who took the time to put thier cars on display, the cars looked great guys! So thanks to Shane, Mark, Damo, Ben, Franky and Jarrad
Then I would like to thank all the people who helped set up on friday night Marc, Karen, Shane and Dave in particualr as thier cars were not even on display and they put in the hard yards! (Did I miss anyone?)
CHRIS! A massive thanks to you for the awesome Dj ing! Your set up really added a lot to this display
Dale, Benno, Troy and others thanks so much for helping us man the stand
And Shane thanks for the printing you gave us and for knocking off the screens from work lol
All up the event was a sucess with at least 10 genuinely interested people taking membership forms (Even if only half of them come back that is a good thing!) and many more showing interest in SCC so Congrats every one and thanks for making me not look like a fool by keeping the display from flopping!