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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Ha ha that is a funny one! We do that at work too! We have to be careful that the recorder never touches the hand set!
  2. Nope, You may record any conversation that you are a part of, I have nailed many a knob in court using this (Not a cop but I still have to go to court alot)
  3. Even the near stock ones I have seen are pretty bad!
  4. Yeah for some reason they are really alot worse
  5. They werent as good as the tales made them out to be, and as such the fuel guzzling the excessive insurence and the frequent breaking didnt make it worth while
  6. I know a few people that have bought GTRs and wished they didnt! That said I will own a GTR for a little while at some stage (I was awefully close 2 months ago )
  7. Just mill around, But the Booking is made for SAU
  8. ha ha Yep you found one of my sore points, It is like the little kids that come and say GTRs FTW and I am like WTF you have only ever driven a tricycle get away from me lol Can I tell you a secret? For 99% of people the GTST is the far more suitable car especially if it is your only car
  9. Says the guy who has never driven either Yeah I am pretty mean, I mean giving you a car for free and all...thats pretty low
  10. SIf you are gonna want the GTR after driving my car around this week Shane
  11. Not everyone has sweet pedros cousins style hook ups like me but Shane
  12. Some times they can handle 300rwkw, but the consensus these days is that it is really closer to 280rwkw, An engine that is old and has had a history of making power at high boost it is probably even less or in any case will not last for any length of time at that power, I would start planning the rebuild now as it can take a while!
  13. Admit it, it is for rice factor It is running now but with 350rwkw on the stock bottom end it wont be for long
  14. It isnt the road going version of the LM car. The homogolation version was the ugly silver RWD thing you win in GT4 that looked alot like this Frankys car was built to celebrate the sucess of that other car, and in my opinion it is much nicer Why the plenum? The stock is good for around 300rwkw. The short runners will make you loose bottom end and in many cases power all over the range. Not the thing you want with a highflow (The bottom end losing that is) Because that is where its strengths lie. And Doesnt your power FC already log your revs and speed? And the AVCR does too yeah? How many times do you need the same info?
  15. If the flooring was taped down we would never have seen damos parachute skid either! That would have been a crying shame
  16. Steak isnt steak Good steak can be cooked badly and still be good! All this growing up on a beef cattle farm has made me the steak Nazi lol
  17. Ok Time for my thank yous Firstly I would like to thank Anna, with out her I dont think it would have gone ahead, When I was getting nowhere with the officials Anna took over and pestered them until we got the answers we needed, Further more organising it so that we got the required people with the required forms at the required place took a massive behind the scenes effort Secondly I would like to thank all the members who took the time to put thier cars on display, the cars looked great guys! So thanks to Shane, Mark, Damo, Ben, Franky and Jarrad Then I would like to thank all the people who helped set up on friday night Marc, Karen, Shane and Dave in particualr as thier cars were not even on display and they put in the hard yards! (Did I miss anyone?) CHRIS! A massive thanks to you for the awesome Dj ing! Your set up really added a lot to this display Dale, Benno, Troy and others thanks so much for helping us man the stand And Shane thanks for the printing you gave us and for knocking off the screens from work lol All up the event was a sucess with at least 10 genuinely interested people taking membership forms (Even if only half of them come back that is a good thing!) and many more showing interest in SCC so Congrats every one and thanks for making me not look like a fool by keeping the display from flopping!
  18. There was a few 'Only' Gtst's around the place that would give it a red hot go Oh and I am gonna join in on the pointless number slinging 969JQU 255rwkw 16 psi AND ONLY ONE TURBO >_< And ben..your dyno graph showed 244kw, wich is 330hp
  19. the two greatest words in the english language DE FAULT
  20. I will come and get you mate I will be there around 6:30 to 6:45 Pm me to confirm See you soon Oh and yeah dress is casual
  21. I do belive they are
  22. That is one for the Gurus too! But they are 3 years and and aroud 30 000 kms old
  23. Gtst mate Though they may fit a GTR...I am not sure you would have to ask one of the gurus around here!
  24. Spotted Spooks wife in the car yesterday....NO WAVE BACK!!!! Normally she is the champion waver!
  25. Tuesday night dinner is posted Pineapple Vs the Norman, Who will come out on top in this steak grudge match??? Only you decide!
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