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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Thanks mate
  2. The man doing all the work likes hogs breath, who am I to argue
  3. Dont be a hater...just because mishaps plague you at every turn This isnt a GTR remember? this is a car that works more often than not
  4. swoit! That should fund the celebratory hogsbreath dinner nicely
  5. Lay the money down and we will talk!
  6. Yeah I just wanted to show a pic that showed the colour best
  7. At Q1 in the secure parking...go your hardest Shane now days the engine looks alot more like this
  8. The engine is complete as in it runs..it doesnt look like the pic now so most of that list is done what I should have said is "this is what the colour really looks like) All that has to happen is swap the cams and change the turbo and injectors Just get my money ready biatch
  9. So yeah it turns out my memory on the colour wasnt that good lol
  10. Ok this is waht it really looks like It is blue so it matches the car Well it is finnised now but you get the picture
  11. Gotcha Nien, The car will be at indy with me
  12. Ahhh ours will be opposite Mine is blue engine bay with purple engine covers..and it is some kind of pearl, I think pics are coming soon
  13. Sif copy the purple engine craze
  14. Shane...I have a purple engine as of sunday aswell!
  15. Any more Lee?? You name me a time when people in Goodna did shower
  16. That is really really nice...and to my mind far nicer than the next (crappy) GTR
  17. I know where they have been and trust me it is all the good places
  18. Yessum!
  19. and lee NO SKYLINE FOR YOU
  20. Yeah it makes 245now and that was pretty good! But anything over 250 will be nice I have seen a R33 with my turbo make 278 at a dyno contest so really anything up to there is possible! There is a guy who reckons he made 306 with my turbo but he is mistaken I think AX53b70 P25 = 400hp rated AX53b70 P28 = 700hp rated so I can see why he may have made a mistake lol
  21. I dont think so? I have poncams that I am planning to swap over but I really need to get all the details soon
  22. nah I think 275 will be max the goal was 260 at the start
  23. It will need a retune I would say as last time it was tuned with that air leak, so it never really got to show its full potential I cant wait to see what it makes tuned properly and with the turbo at full potential! Cause last time the tune was soft as, this time I dont have to worry about hurting the engine as much!
  24. Yep 2 hours in and running....ours will take longer cause we need to swap bits but we have a whole day so we will make it easy
  25. Shane I hope you have your $50 ready for me! Dave said that his record for an RB25 out of the car and a new one in and running is a touch over 2 hours....one day is going to be heaps of time
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