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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Some people never learn *shakes head*
  2. Anyone else had crap fuel in the last week?? Apparently tuners all over the place have had cars bought back with knocking problems :S
  3. Tis ok! *Goes to PM the postal adress*
  4. Hey Silv My turbo had a small chip it ...got it rebalanced and it is all good...makes ans odd whistly noise now but :
  5. Anna and Andy in
  6. Rotors are gone..thanks for the interest
  7. Bunta


    I think it was held in at the top with the screw?So it shouldnt fall out! But for some reason it wont clip in at the sides?..Bah my memory is failing me...
  8. Bunta


    Me...Guns?? So what part of it is actually broken?? Photobucket Send email Kthnx
  9. You would think so, but not always...some people just dont have the knack :
  10. And not to mentoin "extraxcting" it from the "tube" is way more exhilarating
  11. Yeah like mine....not like Liz's
  12. that was meant to be a secret
  13. Marc is always watching At least I think that is how that ladder outside of my window got there? BTW this was a token post to make my stupid computer let me see the end of the page ><
  14. Fark there is too many band wagons around this place! At the start some one got a good tune from Matty Spry...then every one was on to him like fats kids on a birthday cake Then I say I didnt choose him cause I heard some bad reports and now people are in a panic?? I chose Chiptorqe because people that I truseted suggested it...If Matt works for you why change that based on my personal opinion, and that didnt work out that well for me anyway! And John why the hell do you need another tune...your car has been tuned more times than any car in the history of man kind
  15. I would defineately research it I have heard 3 bad reports in the last month or so
  16. Oh and I recently saw another members car who had been tuned by Matty Spry that was also crap
  17. Because I was told in no uncertain terms that Mtyy Spry has gone crap...this was by someone who uses both...No I dont have the AFRs...I will have to take it back and get it looked into
  18. Chiptorque I dont 100% blame them yet...It may be my fuel pump, Just as the car gets full boost it will knock
  19. Tis ok Has too much knock but so back to the tuner
  20. Another good place to look might be the for sale section...they are in there fairly often
  21. No worries!
  22. They are all 2.5 inch...and they all will bolt up! Not sure if they are EXACTLY the same but all will work!
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