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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. I am going to Eastern Creek in early October! The more the merrier I say...we can probably even arrange people for you to stay with....maybe
  2. ha ha ha...that is funny! Especially out of context
  3. Can you do R32GTR seats in a similar colour to the original seat? ?The outer colout not the inner colour...if you know what I mean lol
  4. I knew at the time that it needed doing...I just didnt know that is what you were up too!!!! we can have "comparisons" at EC in October Woooooot
  5. ha ha ha ha nice!!!
  6. Awww *kicks dirt*
  7. Are QLDers welcome
  8. So you tried to do it to me when I came to pick the cams up instead
  9. Thanks mate I should have watched you fix that!! By the way....Watching your car on the track got my mouth watering, gave me a preview of my engines future Thanks mate! ill give you a call later in the week??
  10. Have a good one Gordo!!
  11. Where do I buy the new studs from?? Jason there is alcoholic rewards if you come help me
  12. About 10 minutes ago!
  13. Fate has forced my hand! The R32 just blew its turbo so R33 wheel studs need to be fixed so I can drive it while the R32 gets its upgrades done! Does anyone have any useful advice for me on how to do this?? Or does anyone want to come and help me do it on Saturday afternoon? Rewards of course will be offered for the helpers Thanks guys
  14. Yes the whispers are vuage....but they are growing We should return the favour and all head down there sometime too
  15. Good to see you again too! Hopefully I will be out there with you next time
  16. Anna + Andy = in
  17. I will try...Hayfever was not doing me any good this time
  18. Just got home...I would like to thank every one for making us feel so welcome. It was a great event and had a really awesome atmosphere, also I was impressed by the way that all (that I know) of you guys managed to cut down on your PB's by a fair bit over the course of the day:D Special thanks goes to Ando and Corinne for taking me for a "spin" eh Corinne???
  19. Free??? that is pretty happy!
  20. Here you go champ
  21. Oh I remember now!!!!
  22. I dont get it??
  23. Lucky them I say!!!
  24. Who is the other person I wonder??
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