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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Dave if I am there and the other people dont want all you can eat I am going to form a breakaway table with you so we can get it....mmmmkay??
  2. FFS 5 acre blocks with no town water should be banned They are cheap and attract all the retards to the same spot then all fight over water! It is like being a kindy teacher.....end rant
  3. Anna answer emails or fergus dies
  4. I drive mine daily There is somthing else I would like to know Of the people who own GTRs am I right In assuming very few are dailys?? And the reasons why!! As I am thinkig of upgrading but I really dont want 2 cars!!
  5. Blame sub par welding
  6. No no M&Ms just JIC adjustable castor rods and adjustable upper arm
  7. I found yesterday that my car had secret stuffes I never knew about
  8. *shudders* Doh sounds like I missed a spectacle My car and I are no longer freinds...it tried to kill me
  9. Yeah as Terry said we a planning a cisplay of 10 club members cars for Brisbane Should be good!
  10. Aha ha ha hah ha *SLAP* That is waht you get for sleeping........bish
  11. The 1kg bucket is what the true fans buy
  12. I hate dislexia
  13. ^ Wow is that a 2 door maxima??? Sweet The operative word being 'cruise' that is about all it is good for By the way I do like the paint skills, I pissed my self laughing and now my co workers think I am weird
  14. Hello I have kidnapped Fregus
  15. Real whores use 40ppp Too bad they are so UGLY
  16. Aww I missed page 1 To people who hogged the first page...please die
  17. Any date is good
  18. All you can eat and drink??? Was this a a BC&C? Anna and I have been a few times and the price depends on the time and day you go, It can be as low as $25 And I agree with smooth, the seats alone are worth it
  19. I would be interested!!! If you dont go to see it where will the next lot of quoteable quotes come from!!!
  20. Now Im not having a go at you here this is a genuine question.....if everyone was to use shoot out mode would it make results more compareable every where in the country or is there a lot of varience in shoot out results too??
  21. Hitman tuned my car for the previous owner, Every one who has driven the car up here in QLD are pretty imnpressed...I also think they are fairly cheap
  22. Undue care and attention Seriously though were they ok??
  23. What did the difference end up being John??
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