FFS 5 acre blocks with no town water should be banned They are cheap and attract all the retards to the same spot then all fight over water! It is like being a kindy teacher.....end rant
I drive mine daily
There is somthing else I would like to know
Of the people who own GTRs am I right In assuming very few are dailys??
And the reasons why!! As I am thinkig of upgrading but I really dont want 2 cars!!
^ Wow is that a 2 door maxima??? Sweet
The operative word being 'cruise' that is about all it is good for
By the way I do like the paint skills, I pissed my self laughing and now my co workers think I am weird
All you can eat and drink??? Was this a a BC&C? Anna and I have been a few times and the price depends on the time and day you go, It can be as low as $25
And I agree with smooth, the seats alone are worth it
Now Im not having a go at you here this is a genuine question.....if everyone was to use shoot out mode would it make results more compareable every where in the country or is there a lot of varience in shoot out results too??