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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Robbys (R32 Driftah) is the 4 door 32 with the stickers
  2. The CES ones and the BOS ones are exaclty the same design, Go the BOS and save a few bucks
  3. I had a 1994 excel that I owned for 2 years 40000 ks later I sold it having never serviced it once never missed a beat and used bugger all fuel sure they are ghey and are made of crap stuff inside but for getting from A-B in the cheapest manner possible ther are pretty good!
  4. I just saw a silver R33 on Ipswich Road Moorooka around 5:00, Gave me a huge wave but I didnt see till it was to late! Sorry mate!!
  5. To make them look hot all you need to do is get some good jap wheels, lower it and possibly remove the wing, Do that and it will look tough and turn many heads
  6. Hi guys I thought I should add a story that I have Recently my car started losing oil pressure, It was fine on cold start but as you drove around the pressure dropped to almost nothing and I was using a heap of oil as well, I was thinking the worst, till I read TO4GTRs thread about keeping that RB alive. I had Motul 10w40 turbo light in the car and as the temperature built the oil simply couldnt cope and broke down becoming too thin for the pump to push properly I changed to penrite 5w60 and problem solved so thnaks to dave for pointing me in the right direction, the penrite is about $20 cheaper too!
  7. That is awesome
  8. Here is mine proudly modeling both her pairs of boots
  9. I am thinking JZX100 Chaser, Evo 8 or 9 or pehaps a R33 GTR Somthing with four doors would be good and evos and chasers are just about the best!
  10. My issue is sorted now ! The only problem I had was low oil preassure, I have since found out the oil I was using was too light and when it got hot it became far too thin! changed from 10w40 to 10w60 and problem solvered!!! Apart from the oil I was pretty happy with how the car ran reved out nicely with no misfires or other carry on..happy with the torque too not bad for the stock turbo The reason I need a few months is for bigger and better things
  11. Not too soon!!! I need a few months! lol
  12. No that is because they rock
  13. It looks a lot like a stock R32 GTR kit to me???
  14. Any update on what the Motec corrections meant??
  15. That is where I planned to go when the new turbo et al goes on (Sooooo long stocker!!!) And seeing that just cements it!!!
  16. Col your torque is soooo early! I thought Hitman got my response pretty good in my tune!!!
  17. Col my correction was 4.08 Motec
  18. Yeah traction is for the weak
  19. I dont want to get it done so I can come back and say see now I go to the top of the class, I just want 2 things 1. A more easily comparable result (Shoot out mode is the best we have) for before and after comparisons 2. A better graph to read...the scale they used for the power curve shows nothing, everyones was a flat line pretty much!!! And once again I want that for before and ater comparisons So dont worry I wont be comig back claiming I beat anyone!!!
  20. noice Col noice
  21. Awww I only got 315nm Oh well luckily I have all the parts I need to remedy that situation!!! The race is on to make 250rwkw
  22. Damo was reading speed not the power line, lol!!! What is the standard R33 diff ratio??
  23. I was happy with the way my car just revved out with no dud spots but!!! No odd noises either!
  24. Pfffft well mine ran 178rwkw (where did the other 20 go ) and according to the graph 1268nm so mine is THE torque monster Col!!! Im actually going to a dno dynamics today to run it in shhot out mode, as I am unsure why my reading would come out like that, somthing suss obviously
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