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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Arguing with this guy is no fun. He has no wit, turns violent and there is no insult that I can come up with that will top that proifile. Nature owned him long before any of us got a chance
  2. Nuff said
  3. Is that profile for real??
  4. HA HA this is getting beyond rediculous...I love it
  5. So take it for what it is and dont be such a tuff guy...its only funny beacuse of your reaction, And we all know we are being key board warriors, but you are replying so what does that make you!
  6. Gtr Glafche you actually were the person who started it by calling Stan et al geeks before that they were simply asking you more about why your opinion had formed
  7. Easy tiger, it is just a bit of internet caining no need to get all chuck Norris about it :lol:
  8. I assumed it to be pronounced "gay feltch" or is that what it is translated from french or what ever
  9. "and do either of yall know what a skyline is???" ahh 2f2f what a movie :lol:
  10. Cause he is not really here...Ludacris rang him up and said "Yo got fo minutes man" so he ran out the front door of his house boat pulling on his tshirt as he went, hence forgetting to turn off his computer
  11. All whores report back to the reservation immediately.
  12. Bah stop being boring and fight <_<
  13. Its all about the cred yo...I got sideways the other day and got 150 points, my cred level is now up to 5 stars
  14. :lol: I havn't laughed that hard for ages
  15. Doooooo eeeeeet
  16. Because if you are a street racer you can talk shit and get away with it as there is no proof of anything. They are are afraid of WSID as there are no casual observers there, only people who know their shit and deal in facts
  17. Well warranted from Blitz I think...what else is there really to say???
  18. No one is because autosalon cars are gay, So you have an autosalon car and a R34 that is not for getting slips at WSID, yet you talk like you are some sort of street race ledgend. This says one thing to me.....Poseur
  19. Street racing aint drag racing...If only your car was as fast as you backing down from a challange you would be right
  20. Lol 20gs
  21. Alien...please race Moanie, I want to hear about it,and the reason GTR Glafche woudlnt waste his time racing most ppl on this forum is because they wont "run" him on the street. Cause if he races at WSID his NFSU2 street cred points wont go up, which is a shame
  22. I have been looking for a picture to sum up this situation for a while now...ruk for the win, nice one
  23. I got off of a following speeding find attempt today. He said what speed where you doing. I said 60,which was true give or take a few ks (Hey I was watching the road not my speedo) He said nup more like 80, I said no way as I was going through one of those "Traffic calming devices" at the time, he checks my wheels and exhaust then lets me go saying "Take it easy next time" so I think he was wanting me to admit that I was going over the limit and when I didnt he had nothing
  24. OK :lol:
  25. And I am sure that these guys would rather be known as the geeks of the forum than having the reputation that you are gaining Australia wide....the angry litte weiner who has his knickers in a knot about being left out...awwwwwww
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