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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. I had a similar thing the other day. I was a coles and 3 young guys in the exa beside me go is that your car (Im standing next to arent I just to keep with the F&F theme) so I just said yes, they say is it turbo I say yes, next question by them, and I quote, "does it do good skids?" conversation over.
  2. Best Add EVER
  3. Have you seen this thread. I got one for my R33 it is pretty good!http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=87530&hl=
  4. Check this one out http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...0entry1588165
  5. Wow thats crazy!
  6. Happy birthday Sam!
  7. Bunta is always smoking
  8. I hate it when you rip them to the speed limit then the fly past you well over the speed limit...about 10 seconds later :lol: Then they think they owned you! I had a excel dude going crazy the other day, passed me at about 110 in a 60 zone then got caught at the lights leading into a 100 zone. I lined up behind him light goes green, I go out around him smashing him to 100 and then keep it at 100..much later he flys past with a triumphant look on his face..total looser I was thinking dude I was behind you then passed you then smashed you by 100 meters or more to 100 yet some how you feel satisfied. Thats when I learned that it doesnt matter what you do they will find some way of thinking that they won so ow I dont even bother.
  9. Looks like you had fun!! Cant wait till I can get out there my tyres and suspension suck!
  10. Firstly there is a fairly big difference between turbo back and cat back systems. Turbo back should make a noticeable difference to power over a cat back because there is as much, if not more restriction befoe the cat as there is after it. The stock dump is maybe the biggest restricion of all! Also the compliance cat is pretty bad too. Here is my suggestion Batmbl on this forum sells very good front/dump pipes a mild steel split dump/ front pipe is $395 then a highflow cat can be around the $190 mark (or around $100 for a second hand original GTR, not compliance,cat) then maybe a second hand cat back can be had for as low as $300 on the for sale section of this forum (mine was ) So all up we are looking at around $900 for a turbo back exhaust! Also on Ebay there are turbo back systems for around $700 not sure how good they are but.. Also in answer to the second part of your question all of these parts can be fitted at different times so it is possible to turn a cat back into a turbo back..I have been researching this a fair bit so any other questions feel free to pm me!
  11. I can only answer question 4 for you...they are stronger..and good..I have a quote here that says .."so good are the stock 1.5 way GTR differentials that you would not change them for virtually any purpose, Plenty of cars have run 9 second passes on them which is a testament to how well they work". How ever I was thinking will it really work out that much cheaper than a new aftermarket one? Not too sure on the prices of the actuall diff but the labour might make it almost the same cost if it is somthing that hasnt been done too often before! Any way best of luck with it and let us know if it works out!
  12. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...erences+between This Is a link that goes in to this in great detail. A 96 will be a series 2
  13. :lol: me to thats why I decided to ask before going postal on it!
  14. Fast fours?.....nuff said. There is no GTS-Ts with out turbos.
  15. Thank you so much, will give it another go this weekend!
  16. Purchase price $18000 "17 wheels $850 plus the crappy chrome ones that were on there Mp3 player headunit $250 JVC "6 2 way speakers x 4 $100 (Stocktake sale ) HKS intercooler kit $600 second hand Jasma "3 cat back exhaust $300 R33 GTR original cat $80 Split front and dump pipe $395 (from Batmbl on this site) Jay car EBC and controller $150 K&N panel filter $100 so all up $2825. fitting it all your self helps a lot
  17. Ok Guys I am having a problem with removing the M spec front bar from my S1 r33gtst. I have removed the bolts attaching the bar to the side skirts I have removed the 3 screws under the grill and I have unattached the bar from the lining inside the guards. And unplugged the indicators. The bar still seems to be attached near the headlight area. When I look up under the headlights there is fairly large white square clip. I can’t move this but. Does this mean I need to remove the headlights to get the front bar off? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I can’t take it any more this bar needs to come off! Thanks guys…also does anyone know of a book that has this type of stuff in it. I got the tech manual but it is more for mechanics than a backyard tinkerer like me. Thanks heaps guys!
  18. I dunno about S2 but in S1 they are 5 and 1/4 inch in the back and 5inch in the front..I fitted 6 inch all round easily enough....Be careful but as the front speakers are a weird shape..
  19. Ive got ths article too it does do those times but it is a group b rally car....not really what this guy is after
  20. Imesh has bloody heaps I have downloaded many. Either that or just buy some HPI DVD's
  21. OUCH I am on $2300 for a r33 full comp. Ithought that was bad
  22. Surely some one has something?
  23. BUMP BUMP! C'mon.... Anybody?!?
  24. Hi, I am looking for a Front / Dump pipe...Basically anything that connects the turbo to the cat in '3 diameter and also a high flow cat to connect to my existing cat back exhaust. Must be either in the Brisbane/Coasts area or able to post to me. So if you have a front pipe or cat or both let me know! Thanks!
  25. thats a really good time Pretty much right on what the factory says (which,I think, is set by race/really good drivers and is the best time they managed, correct me if wrong) so in a 10 year old car it must mean your car is in excellent shape..nice. I managed a 14.6 on the Gtech in my car (also stock everything at the time) but who knows with those things
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