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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Pm sent re dump pipe
  2. I have found a climate control unit. Thanks for the replies
  3. Also do a search and there is a thread that has the acceleration times of many stock cars
  4. Ive got one! For about 2 more weeks . I think the XR6 would get up...but as always it would depend on the driver. On the entry to a freeway once from a set of lights I was slightly in front but I had my best launch ever! and it was only to 100 maybe that extra power would start to tell once the speeds got up
  5. Yeah I am about 98% sure only cause I saw it as mentioned
  6. Im pretty sure they do. I have seen it a few times HPI DVD 3 for example has one running those wheels. Hope that helps
  7. I wouldnt mind doing mine...but they fold in ok but when it comes folding out the passengers one stays in...so I have to get out and move it by hand, not a very cool look then.. :whatsthat
  8. Why does EVERYBODY keep telling me to just change the ALSD?!? I think it's good - I like it! :chairshot Looks like I'm off to Gav with PFC in-hand.... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! :crazy:
  9. A-LSD is a Active limited slip differetial. It is computer controled as opposed to the normal methods. You will know if you have one cause when you start the car two orange lights will light up. One says A-LSD the other says slip.
  10. You madam are a champion! Thank you so much. I promise a reward of some kind is coming your way should we ever meet. Thanks heaps
  11. So there is others with A-LSD who got it installed at Gavins and it works?
  12. OOOOH thanks HEAPS Erin. The first time I will be looking forward to a Monday for quite some time
  13. Yeah I was talking to moanie a bit the other day. I read that tread and the fault seemed to range from noting at all, to light on occasionally but diff working, to diff open wheeling :confused:. That is why I want to give it a go on mine and see what happens. I might be one of the lucky ones. I dont want to fork out the cash for one only to have to try and sell it the same day I get it as it doesnt work. I am seriously thinking about Emanage instead of experimenting just to save some stuffing around!
  14. It sounds to me like you are comparing thrashed 10 year old cars to brand newies. You may have a few problems now...but think of a thrashed 10 year old commodore! Besides I like bashing comodores just for the injured looks on peoples faces when they hear that some one doesnt think as much of commos as they do!
  15. Yeah this is my whole problem Many peoples dont work but Erins works fine :confused: So I want to see if I am one of the lucky ones or if I will have to go to the emanage/Profec e-01 combo
  16. Thanks for that. Im in no real hurry, Maybe when you get back??? I tried to ring gav but my work phone has a STD bar on it. Damm stingy work :chairshot
  17. Any one??? Please!! reward still on offer name the price
  18. I love it when they think they are faster. I had an experience like that. New BA Falcon with the guy inside wearing a FPV hat. I knew he was going to try and drag so I took off at a medium pace shifting at around 4000rpm and I finnished just in front. Next lights I didnt bother at all and he was stoked. Third set I launch as hard as I can and manage to get it perfect and shift hard up to about 110km/h. His face was priceless he was all smug then when I launched it his jaw hit the floor. I was just like :uh-huh: thats right buddy feel the shame.
  19. Ha Ha @ RAV4s. How are they gonna race anyone. Frist deviation from dead straight and they are over on the roof!
  20. I get really sick of this too (I know im not from Canberra but it happens everywhere). Commodores are the worst but does anyone else get crazy Camrys? These guys are always up for a race really weird :confused:
  21. That is my plan at lunch today
  22. Hi all. I am trying to find out if the PFC is compatible with my A-LSD on my R33 GTS-T. I have searched the treads and come up with no conclusion, It works for some and not for others :confused:. So does any one with a PFC want to come to my place (or me to yours) and plug their PFC into my car and see if I get a LSD error or not, I really want to put this issue to bed! As stated earlier reward offered :uh-huh: Thanks guys!
  23. Bunta


    I Installed my own sterio I was thinking about using the stock speakers. However mine were buggered. The cones are paper and are either dead or about to be dead. I hooked my head unit up to the stock speakers and it sounded awful. Went to JB and got two sets of Pioneer 6' two ways for $98. Now it sounds 100% better with out costing too much. Ditch the stock speakers and look for some bargins on good brand speakers :uh-huh:
  24. Thanks for the help guys! So it looks unlikely that a PFC will work. What are peoples other suggestions :confused:
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