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Everything posted by Bunta

  1. Because the NSW one got closed down ages ago. So we get all of their dregs instead of the NSW mods having to deal with them Also because you are Sexy
  2. I just realised I have drinks on Friday arvo, maybe I shouldnt go out on Thursday, will have to ponder
  3. Pretending to work doesn't count
  4. Always Just start a little earlier by the time we get there only the crying is left
  5. Just have it at the GC, most of you are going anyway aren't you?
  6. Yeah, the flood commission was a total joke with the finger pointing, some of my measurments got submitted as evidence to that, had to go and sit there for a day, terrible waste of everyone's time!
  7. Well it is designed with both storage (46% of capacity) and flood mitigation in mind (54%) and is only designed to reduce peak height by a meter, it achieved this in 2011. It was peoples expectations that failed rather than the dam! Most of the water came out of the Lockyer anyway which joins the Brisbane River below the dam, it was all just a series or really unfortunate events.
  8. was nasty http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/dead-porsche-testers-were-safe-drivers-20100301-pcgp.html
  9. Ahh i see, its a 7/11 servo now and dominos is still there, that's pretty close to my place.
  10. The Breeze is good down there, we go to the park to do our work outs by the river, great spot for it. Everyone thought it would never flood again I think!
  11. So the other side of the railway line from the river?
  12. Ganges
  13. They are very nice. Except for how the bottom 2 floors and car park gets water in them during flooding! Anna and I walk down there for coffee on the weekend, a nice little precinct that will be even better soon when they put all the shops in!
  14. That reminds me I need to get my parking permits sorted, not long until the 2 weeks of hell!
  15. Its on the south side, its also far too close to my house...every damn year we get invaded by tennis folk
  16. Wave to my house for me
  17. Looks like you cant, I just assumed I was
  18. I am on a new page now, all good!
  19. I wouldn't f**k her with someone elses dick!
  20. I am on 40 posts per page...i have a long way to go!
  21. ffs post
  22. I am offended...I would never go as far as posting Miley photos, let alone ones including a mga douche like Robin Thicke, that mother f**ker done broked my ears
  23. Way to ruin the page! Post like fury whores to get rid of the Miley picture posted by Mily
  24. I misspelled Wily, oops
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