I will break it down for you, because your arguments tend to jump around all over the place until even you no longer know what your point is.
You were talking about 'on the street' and because we all know that at most events you can do what ever you want and be legal I took that off the table. So my point was, that you can have fun in a good handling car and be entirely legal, Mt Nebo for example, if you are doing the speed limit in some parts you are doing well. It is never legal to do 100mph or bake your tyres at that speed outside of an event of some sort.
I don't base my statement towards skidzzzzzzzzzzz on safety. I am sure in most situations it is perfectly safe. In every form of motorsport that means a damn losing traction is a bad thing, not something to get all excited about, It just shows a terrible suspension set up. The people that tend to jizz over skids are in my experience backwards f**kwits whos cars are not actually good at anything else. Now before you take offence I am not saying you are a backwards f**kwit, just that when whoever it may be is carrying on about skids they sound a lot like the other backwards f**kwits I have known over the years who are into the same thing.