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Everything posted by AGE

  1. Lada's are still cool..... right?
  2. AGE

    Mini Cars....

    Thats cool. Is started this thread a day before i left for Japan.... and well i kinda was busy there, seeing things like this,
  3. I've found some more R pics... Drivers side mats, Drivers side door sill Brakes and wheels....
  4. AGE

    The New Beast

    Nicely done Al.: D You'll need to bring it around and show Bree...to help my EVO cause
  5. Movie...pfffft. It a terrorist attack!, quick everyone get you fridge magnets out and call the hotline!
  6. Your forgetting the most important rule about the new R35 GT-R.... Vistors!!
  7. Ummmm, i'm on the beer again. I'll get a pic up ASAP For anything that Australia has to dish out, really you don't need a million dollar binding.... anything in the lower $$$ price range from a good company will be excellent for anything Australia's snow fields can be bothered to throw at you. We don't get good snow here, and we'll be lucky to get below -10 degrees, so aim for binding that have the nothtern hemisphere 'summer' tag to em
  8. Asakusa is a very nice part of town... (you can get heaps of those plastic food things that you see eveyrwhere, in Asakusa) I stayed at a Andon Roykan (in Minowa, which i very close to Asakusa), cheap, clean and very nice. It's about $90 AUD for room a night... thats 1 or 2 people! http://www.andon.co.jp/index.html Just book heaps of time ahead. And order the brekkie...it's cheap and good! Oh and when you leave each morning, book the jacuzzi for that night when you return I'd love to go the TAS, but i won't make it. I'll be back in Japan in May
  9. Thats a good weight... not to big, not too small. Good to hear she's putting on weight nicely My boy was 7lbs 7 when he was born... now he's 9 and a half, years old. And now he knows the difference between a DB9 and a Vantage (oh and he's a big fan of P1 )
  10. See i've been running on Burton Freestyles for the past few years, and have zero complaints baout them. A great binding, that'll never ice up on you....or at least it'll handle anything that the shitty Australian winter can dish out. I'd take a pic or find a link.... but i have teh beers in me ATM....
  11. Well Done, Jack. Lots of hair!!! What was the weight of her?? On and for those that don't know, I don't photochop new born baby's and pregnant women.... Women with wild hormones are not a safe idea too tangle with...
  12. Yeah it's wayyyy nice. The thing that really caught my eye was the big slabs of metal they have used for the side panels, and the wheels...they are HUGE!!! It's actually a big car in the flesh. The interior is very nice, the leather seats are soooo nice and very comfy. The car is so much better in the flesh, pics don't do it justice. Oh, It's has a shitload of GT-R badges...everywhere!! The door sills, the steering wheel, the front, the back, the carpets... badges everywhere. You'll never forget what your driving. And to start it.... you put it in "H"
  13. Yep... ball-less, unispiring, souless piece of shit... Worst WRX ever made! And this is a actually postcard ad i found @ Brighton, And with 2 weeks in Japan i saw 6 R35 GT-R's and 1 STi Betty (the new WRX has earnt the nickname "Ugly Betty")... Subaru is on a real winner
  14. Yeah sorry, the model shop i took these pics is in "Tokyu Hands", here in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Very easy to get to, just take the Yamanote line from Tokyo station to Shinjuku, then exit any of the east exits. I just costs a bit to get to the Tokyo station from Australia I should have taken orders before i left Oh did i show the Car Porn?
  15. AGE

    Nissan Showroom

    Yeah i was in the Nissan Muesuem Yesterday, They gave me this stuff... It's not hard to find...just North down the road from the Sony Building
  16. Monday..
  17. Now you tell me.... (oh and i want my monocle back too ) Failed at the dealer ships today.... buggered if i can find em that don't have these big ass Nissan Targo things to test drive. I can easily test drive one of these.... But there's not to many places that offer test drives for the R Oh and the interior of a R35 GT-R and the ass pic...
  18. The DVD is in NTSC (Never the same color) format, so will that be ok for the meeting Kaz? I'll even leave it in it's shrink wrapping till the meeting night Oh my fav from the GT-R catalog... the FULL Carbon Fibre GT-R Attache Case, a mere $5000 AUD
  19. Did some one say Models....? This model was only $20 And i thought of Ash when i saw this car....
  20. Well to day was the day, i went to the Nissan Musuem in Ginza, here in Tokyo. I'd been practicing my Japanese.... i had the words "Test Drive GTR" all sorted. I strolled in, first thing i noticed that red R35 GT-R thats was there last week was gone and it had bee replaced with some big arse Nissan car.... i think it was called a Teana?? Something like that. Anyway i went to the counter, and in my broken Japanese i asked for a Test Drive. The Nissan lady (who was quite nice and very easy on the eye), spoke back to me in good english. Sure she said, as she removed a piece of paper with the test drive list's. Handed me the list.... and to my dissapointment, no GT-R I asked can i drive a GT-R.... and she just kinda smilled and giggled. Sorry we don't test drive that car. Well i was crushed, and she could see it too... so she gave me the new GT-R DVD, and then pointed up stairs to the NISMO stuff. So here's the pics of what i saw today. Sorry i can't report on the driving of the GT-R. Tommorrow i will be trying a Nissan Dealer... so fingers crossed there. (I can bring this dvd along to the club meeting if thats cool ) Oh and the pics.... This is what i got from the Nissan Musuem, And whats upstairs, Oh and when i left the Nissan Museum i turned a corner and spotted this... And this is the Red one that was in the Museum last week, And of course....me in it Oh what i spotted yesterday, So far after about 10 days here.... i've seen 5 R35 GT-R's. One things for sure, they are quite. i heard the R8 before i saw it, and the R was the icing on the cake.
  21. I did see another... in the sexy 'gunmetal' color.
  22. Ok time for some pics.... all of these pics were taken this morning, in about 20 mins. I was in Harajuku. Impreza WRX STI Spec C RA. (Basically the stripped out rally ready version) I'm tipping you wont see this in Australia for a while.... The owner/driver of this car was a women in her 40's VTEC.......YO I did'nt know GT3's came in 'Smurf' Blue Oh and i was too slow getting the camera out for the DB9, GC8 WRX STi Type R and what i think was the Bullet aniversary Mustang!
  23. AGE


    I found Autobacs in Yokohama, very easily. It's on most maps that you get from the Tourist places.
  24. Spotted another 2 R35 GT-R's today.... within 30 secs of each other. Hopefully i'm driving one next week!!
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