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Everything posted by Are_thirty_two

  1. a good price would be 17000 for one of those gun metal grey 89 models
  2. get the cheap series 1 safc for dirt cheap
  3. holden is junk, aussie made junk. skyline is japan gold
  4. you need that pipe to come unfer the dore like it is in my avator
  5. dont get an na r32 whateva you do. I had an n/a r32 and now have a turbo r32. The n/a slow as. vn Commodores beat it. And to top it all off, full insurance was pretty high and twice as more as a vn. Work that one out! I hated the n/a for the final year i had it.
  6. thanx for the detailed reply. much appreciated. i may have a go at it, but this one sounds like one for the mechanic.
  7. my mechanic has been on holiday since christmas and i dont know when hell be back, thats why im asking here. when you say rebuild, do you mean on the engine or on the crank end float? how much did it cost your dad and mate to fix, and was it a big job or a one day job?
  8. i have edited the pic and have an actual pic of the situation on the car. you can see the slip in the belt. i need to know where the steering wheel pump is or the bolt to adjust it.
  9. FAST-GT-R are you blind? Read the website clearly this time and you will see that apexi is the best. "Excellent" in fact. And dont give this hogwash of some harrod engineer geek giving an opinion. The website is based on tested facts.
  10. sounds like your close to a blow bro
  11. I'd hate to say it but if you get a fmic "on the cheap", it wont be any better than the stock intercooler near your front wheel.
  12. it is indeed the power steering belt as I just checked it on the manual. But where is the power steering pump to adjust it? is it located in front of the crank pulley?
  13. As the topic says, I have a belt depicted which has slipped 1 groove/tooth. The belt is shown in the picture below. It is this part/cam which has slipped, but the other part/cam which it connects to, is in place, creating an angle in the belt. The top right pic shows how the belt should be in place and the bottom shows the slip on my car. Im pretty worried the tension created may break the belt, which will be disastrous. Questions are how do I shift it back in place safely? Also do you think the situation needs adressing asap?
  14. look @ mine 2 pipes cuming togetha
  15. where in south east melbourne?
  16. Archie, with a Datsun 280zx, no wonder it took 6 weeks.
  17. Shattered to hear the apexi lasts only 40 thous ks.Is it really that short? Looks like K and N for nextime.
  18. Then shoot us all, cause I too think they look like magnas.
  19. The 180 you'll be getting, (if manual), will most likely have been an auto. Now that is YUK! Problems galore. The car has a real cheap feeling to it, cause you only have to look at the plastic handbrake and the awfull seats. CHEAP as chips Also dont rev it too high cause the motor will blow. And to all the r33 owners, I have blown away tooo many lardass 33s, ive lost count.
  20. I got the blitz one. MINT The blitz piping has 3 turns. The one which goes around the fan has 5 turns. Conclusion blitz has less lag cause of the less turns and shorter piping. Also a cop wont like the look of a huge pipe running around the engine, unlike the blitz where you dont see nothing from the engine bay.
  21. hey I am interested in the pipe from the intercooler that leads to the throttle chamber(the pipe that goes ontop of the engine. Its the one that has the aftermarket bov's put on them.
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