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Everything posted by Are_thirty_two

  1. I find drags enjoyable. My most satisfying drag was a against an ET turbo. Driving home one night, I found myself lining up against one. The first 2 set of lights we lined up at, he didnt give it at all. As we lined up again the third time, thinking he was not going to try and drag against a newer car, I suddenly hear this massive burnout as it turned green, as the guy was giving it an absolute red hot go. Without a launch myself, my car managed to still keep ahead, (as he span alot), and I assured a massive victory, by giving it heaps at the top end. Most satisfying about it is how its a kind of changing of the guard, from old nissan (ET turdo) to newer (nissan skyline r32). Bend over to skyline.
  2. get an r32 gtst
  3. Im a westall boy. how did the cruise go and are there any in the near future?
  4. To Sathanas And I bet ford australia chucked 700hp on an xrt and the gearboxes blew. Its not all about power also holden man. Ever heard of weight power ratio? Have you heard about w e i g h t , p o w e r , r a t i o ? make most p o w e r while keeping w e i g h t down. Holden must heed this for the love of god
  5. And to replace the gearbox when it does blow, it also requires unusual extensive work also
  6. Hey MADGT4, is the gts4 slower than the gtst, cause I heard the 4wheel drive train weighs considerably
  7. you kinda turned me off buying an r32 gtr.
  8. Indeed it would be worth it, I just got one, and I am modyfing it through front mount, etc
  9. Ill give you $22.50 for it as I may need it for a rwc
  10. how much is a fmic installation anyways?
  11. 'New Fujimi Australia' were extremley good. They have so much skyline stuff
  12. I got a certificate of registered interests on my car which protects you if financers come to your door to collect the car, as a verbal phone check from vic roads isnt enough. it cost 8 bucks
  13. A bit off topic, but Im looking for a stock airbox for rwc. Where can i get one and for how much
  14. Dont d othe fatal mistake in getting a N/A. I did and promptly replaced it with a turbo
  15. It would be great for an r32 installation guide
  16. hey off the topic, but if you sell the car, would you sell the intercooler ? cause I think it would have to come off
  17. I beat an xr6 turbo in my r32 gts t easily. What do you guys say about that? Oh and the limits to modifying an xr6 is so tight :lol:
  18. I think your wrong on the r32 gtst 6.9 claim. In the japanese import buyers guide, the test results of 0-100 times for even an AUTO r32 gts t was 6.89 seconds, and if this was manual the tester expected low 6 second times.
  19. too much money now has made him content and less driven. money makes you lazy
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