Well as you may or may not know, after having my car off road for two weeks getting a new turbo fitted and getting it back last Friday, this Monday came round and an old lady in a Kingswood decided it might be a good idea to run a red light and write off my car! Now my insurance has offered me to buy back my wreck for a cost of $3500 and I'm deciding if it's worthwhile or not. Basically the engine and everything is fine so I've made a quick list of what I could strip and sell. Anyone able to tell me in total what I'd be expecting back realistically if I did buy it back aqnd strip it?
Here's the list...
Engine/gearbox (done approx 130,000k)
GT30 Turbo (in RB25 housing) - brand new, only 300k's
All the interior/speedo
Fuel pump
Turbo back Trust PE-II exhaust
Rear bar
Any more ideas of what I can salvage let me know...
And finally, a pic of my baby, it really hurts to see her like this