100% sure Andrew. The car was already in my name in NSW, came here, went into Motor Reg, said car was in my name, already registered, they just presented me with a form, filled it in, payed a couple of bucks and bam, all done
Did this myself, all you need to do is go into Motor Reg and they will transfer the car to SA for you. No need for Regency, no need for inspections and 100% headache free
Been worrying about the same thing, seeing more and more threads on imports getting nicked. I was with Vange last night and the cops went through a red light just to follow us so I'm pretty sure they were doing the standard rego checks on us (or waiting for us to do something wrong)
Saw an R34 "GTR" at the Golden Grove Village today. Hillarious thing is that it had no flared guards, no in-dash computer and was auto. The owner still tried to insist it was in fact a real GTR however
If you can register it over there in your name like I did (get the buyer to write a note stating that you have been living with them for three or so months) then you can bring it here and just do a rego transfer slip which doesn't require going to regency. Else I believe you must go for an inspection
Just did it yesterday myself. All you do is go into the transport office, fill in the paper work and bam, that's it. That is providing the car is in your name so you don't have to go over the pits or anything