To be honest. I've learnt to deal with the shit. It's always been this way, it always will. No amount of lobbying against it will change it. As for "Is a copper going to cruise up next to you and say, gee mate thats great driving ya doin there at 60, cheers, have a great day" Of course he isn't, if he did, it would mean he would have to say the same to 80% of all the other road users. No matter what system you put in place, there will always be those that abuse it. You know this, I know this and most importantly the police know this. Yes, they abuse it too with their "blanketing" of "all import drivers are hoons" While it's not true 100% of the time, the fact is, a great majority of those seen doing stupid things in cars do drive imports. It's a fact of life sadly, accept it, or move along. I for one see no other choice in the matter. If you do, I wish you the best of luck with getting your end result