before i knew any better i was running my old GTR with T04z with stock ecu and injectors etc for 3 months & 1500k's was running it in, normal driving was fine, boosted up hard and was running 10psi with a 50mm external gate.
now that i know better i would not recommend this to anyone however, and due to the above point i will jump on the band wagon and say that the stock ecu MAY be able to handle it for a little while.
the post about fuel wash i think isnt correct, no matter what turbo is on the car, the TP on the stock ecu(load point) when cruising is run on the load table of the ecu, the load point selected by the ecu is governed alot by the airflow meter signal,
3000rpm with stock turbo will be ramping hard onto boost and on a fairly high load point (TP).
3000rpm with a T04Z will be starting to spool and will be on a lower load point (TP)
so cruising with a T04Z will be fine.