that power window amp thingy inside the rear door
black box 5cm x 6cm or so.... mine got stuck on and clicked and flattened my batterry so i just disconected it and now i cant put that back window down.
does anyone know if there a genertic nissan thingy?
coz i got access to a box full of silvia doors that have the box in it. i just need to know if there the same as a ceffy one.
anyone know?
Cheers Softy
i think i got s2 lights..... i can prob take some pics of wiring if needed.
i only had that dash light flicker a few times,and thats it.
i got a blown headlight atm and the dash light anit even come on. im guessing its ment to?
"holden purple"
i have a feelin these 2 words are goin to drive u to insanity.
tho either color....still looks pimp.
bring on permit cruise thru town/bay