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About IvanINC

  • Birthday 05/10/1986

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  1. i vectored the car and the car was already with an s200 taillight conversion. tel me wat ya rekon
  2. na i made it myself lol, colour the car in 1 flat color, yellow. then u add layers ontop made of black and white colors and add in the shadings and stuf and it adds the efect all in if ya know wat i means.
  3. yeh i know its calld vector art i just thought id put it to cartoon style cos its a more less big word if u noe wat i mean, lol that dont make sense. thats from the gallery i THINK its Franks r34 lik on the course or track.
  4. heres a pink rx7 that i done today earlier.
  5. oops i actually didnt know if its a GTR or GTT, i just put the GTR badge on there haha
  6. i think this is franks r34 gtr , i got it from this sites gallery thingy ma bob. tell me wat u think
  7. today when i went somwhere 10 mins away, i saw 1 gtr and 4 supras, 3 WRXs. the other day i was goin home after school i saw 3 gtrs and 2 gts-t. another day i saw 1 r34 gtr, 3 gtst coming home from school again. this was within the same week, i cant remember the other days i wasnt watching the road. oh by the way from school to my hme is half n hour.
  8. did u do an before and after or is that a real bodykit? cos if its a before an after that looks so mad !
  9. do the lights and wheels as well, ive done that with some cars as well. the wheels just go around the rim shapes if u noe wat i meanz. heres one i done, veilside r34.
  10. lol Rezz i dint notice i did that, it must hav been done un-intentially lol
  11. i cant get the pictures to show up so just copy and paste the links into your address bar to see them.
  12. i saw that tutorial on changing colour so i thought id make my own one of fitting bodykits. 1] Open up your picture of a car WITH a bodykit that you want to fit on another car or a front bar/side skirt/rear bar/etc that you want. 2] Use the polygonal lasso tool to go around the part that you want. 3] Press CTRL+C to copy the selected piece and then open your picture you want the bar to go on and press CTRL+P to paste it into the picture. 4] Now you have to distort/rotate/scale the image to make it fit onto your image. Go to Edit > Transform > Rotate/Distort/Scale (choose one of them) and now pull and pinch the piece into shape and fit it over the picture. **Note: ** It varies from car to car on how the piece will fit. If the pictures are at the same angle and view then it will be easy to fit than if it werent. This example project is a very easy front bar to fit because of the angles the cars are on. 5] Once it is fitted over, you will need to re-colour the front bar. Sometimes if you just re-colour the front bar it still wont look correct so you need to re-colour the whole car to a new colour or a similiar one to make it look perfected. Use the other tutorial by that other guy (i cant remember his name) to do this. Do this with other bodykit parts and you will have a car with a whole new bodykit. Fit on wheels/spoiler/and recolour it to get it looking perfected. if you hav ne questions feel free to ask
  13. here ya go, a white bonnet on a black r33 with tuner brands on the bottom right of the bonnet.
  14. ..and after..
  15. heres a wide body R31 Coupe i made , i got the wide bodykit parts from a picture of a CRX from Spain.
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