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About mexr

  • Birthday 14/04/1985

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  1. Id go the turbo s13.. NA's get boring very quick. Cant really do many bang for buck mods with the NA either. Maybe get a stocker s13, learn to drive it properly, then mod it over time.
  2. Heya, if you still have the 'mesh' inserts I would love them. Can only pick them up on Friday this week. Let me know if you still have them. Gauth
  3. Umm I am not 100% sure, but I think that some people on the www.silviawa.com/forums have had this done to their car. I think I remember seeing a sticky somewhere there with details on who does it etc. I know your car is not a sil, but it may help. Gauth
  4. Just went to car stereo city and bought a centre console 'pocket' for it. But yeh if you have or planning to get a RSM or safcii etc, do what Bam sugested above.
  5. Finally got some free time on my hands after ages! Think i'll bring the NA down for a few laughs:)
  6. Word. As will I.
  7. Taken from the silvia wa forums... http://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/media...08?OpenDocument Oh also heard that its enforced from midnight tonight.
  8. GM Grey here too.
  9. what he said.
  10. After alot of ringing around I went through a broker who finally found me insurance with Fordtron (East). Just cars can do it, but I found them to be more expensive..
  11. I own a GTS, and in my honest opinion I doubt it would be worth doing any major performance mods to it. Maybe you should start off with the usual catback system and K&n panel filter or POD and see how you go from there. If this is your first car, you should get some quotes for insurance as you'll be surprised for what they charge for drivers with no driving history and only 17 (I was in the same boat) even if its N/A. Good luck
  12. I had a similar problem. Check the voltage when starting the car and it cranks, i found that mine dropped from 14V (indicating that it was charging ok, thus no alternator problems) to around 7V when the engine cranked. It was 90% due to the battery and i went and got myself a new one. Starts great everytime now, even in the cold, after days of not driving it. Gauth
  13. Thanks for your input on these extractors Greg. If you could also send me a pic of the setup on your ride it would be much appreciated. Cheers Gauth
  14. Heyas, sorry to hi-jack the thread, but are these coby extractors worth the money? Anyone got any dyno figures before and after? Cheers Gauth
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