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Everything posted by Evil

  1. Great cruise! Good route and lots of nice cars... Can't wait for the next one
  2. Hmmm... All street fighters Alien Vs Predator
  3. I better watch my arse then :shake: lol
  4. sunshine...
  5. I have not seen too many cops around lately... I've seen a lot of speed cameras though... (maybe i can't spot cops lol)
  6. Yeah its bad, my gf lives near there... Area: Laverton Fairban Road - Near Geelong Road the left lane is "split" that is the left side of the lane is a lot lower than the right. It will scrape the bottom of your car. Area: Maribyrnong Williamson Road - If you are going to Highpoint try to avoid this road. It is full of bumps and has a set of tram tracks that are like a rally jump.
  7. Evil

    R33 Workshop manual.

    I have a 20% off autobarn voucher and some autocash
  8. Area: St. Albans -> Deer Park Furlong Road - The whole road is full of pot holes, dips and one set of railway tracks. Area: Laverton Fitzgerald Road - This whole road is also full of pot holes and a set of train tracks. Area: Laverton Boundary Road - One of the worst roads around, lots of pot holes and patching due to lots of trucks. You can't do the 90km/h speed limit as it will trash the front of your car.
  9. Evil

    R33 Workshop manual.

    i'll see what i can do. i would have bought it last time but they obviously did not want a sale hehe
  10. Evil

    R33 Workshop manual.

    I should go back and take another look. Maybe I can get a different sales person... I'll try again on the weekend.
  11. Evil

    R33 Workshop manual.

    AutoBarn in Sunshine. They sell Blitz, APEX and HKS stuff there :confused:
  12. Same thing happened to my dad's navara. Needed to take it to an instrument repairer, cost $180 from memory...
  13. I thought they were not gonna make anymore silvias :confused:
  14. Evil

    R33 Workshop manual.

    I saw a copy for sale at AutoBarn (yes AutoBarn) but they would not let me take a look (it was wrapped in plastic). They wanted $299 from memory. I'm not spening that much $$$ without seeing the contents first.
  15. Evil

    F#$cking Hell

    I did the same thing when they got knicked, now some kid has a couple of volvo badges on their wall hahahah! lol... ($200 each to replace though)
  16. Evil

    F#$cking Hell

    Sorry to hear that, I am always worried some little fcuk will badge my car. Hell, even my Volvo got badged when I had it.
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Good one horus!
  19. I'll be there
  20. Too bad I alredy have the movie At least the old version has DTS
  21. $20 a person is nothing. I was part of the Volvo club of Victoria (don't laugh) which is a non-cams club and that cost me $50 a year. That included: a monthly meeting (with guest speakers), economy runs (even with other clubs), a discount card, cruises, bbqs and a quarterly magazine. So there were formalities but it was also very sociable. So the option between full and social is a good way to go...
  22. You found only one fuse :confused: there should be 2 one (or two) on the amp itself and one on the +12 volt wire from the battery... You should check all wires again...
  23. I didn't know a new cd was coming out, I can't wait, its been a while since the first was released. I hope they tour again as well, it was a good concert (gig) last time...
  24. Nice rims... what size are you going for?
  25. So was I
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