Cubes: Not sure if you know this or not, but a lot of people dont. Those wheel alignment sheets are in degrees and minutes, so the second number only goes up to 60. So you have 41' (~0.67deg) more on the left, which isn't too bad, used to stop the car drifting towards the kerb due to the camber of the road.
I'd be more concerned that he's given you some positive camber both front and rear! The toes arent very even either, bit over 1mm on the front in and 4mm on the rear in (total), so the values aren't too bad, could just be a bit more even, not a huge problem though. Is your steering wheel straight?
I would want the cambers evened up to Gary's specs or more. I run 1.5deg on the street and get pretty even tyre wear. Would also get them to max out your castor adjustment, if you've got the adjustment there, you may aswell use it.
Where did you get that done (PM me if you want) because it doesn't look the wheel aligner had any idea what he was doing...