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Everything posted by zanda

  1. The SAS, the Parachute Regiment and the Police decide to go on a survival weekend together to see who comes out on top. After some basic exercises the trainer tells them that their next objective is to go down into the woods and catch a rabbit for their supper, returning with it ready to skin and cook. Night falls. First up - the SAS. They don infrared goggles, drop to the ground and crawl into the woods in formation. Absolute silence for 5 minutes, followed by the unmistakable muffled "phut-phut" of their trademark silenced "double-tap". They emerge with a large rabbit shot cleanly between the eyes. "Excellent!" remarks the trainer. Next up - the Para's. They finish their cans of lager, smear themselves with camouflage cream, fix bayonets and charge down into the woods, screaming at the top of their lungs. For the next hour the woods ring with the sound of rifle and machine-gun fire, hand grenades, mortar bombs and blood curdling war cries. Eventually they emerge, carrying the charred remains of a rabbit. "A bit messy, but you achieved the aim; well done", says the trainer. Lastly, in go the coppers, walking slowly, hands behind backs whistling Dixon of Dock Green. For the next few hours, the silence is only broken by the occasional crackle of a walkie-talkie "Sierra Lima Whisky Tango Fanta One, suspect headed straight for you..." etc. After what seems an eternity, they emerge escorting a squirrel in handcuffs. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" asks the incredulous trainer, "Take this squirrel back and get me a rabbit like I asked you five hours ago!". So back they go. Minutes pass. Minutes turn to hours, night drags on and turns to day. The next morning, the trainer and the other teams are awakened by the police, holding the handcuffed squirrel, now covered in bruises, one eye nearly shut . "Are you taking the piss!!??" asks the now seriously irate trainer. The police team leader nudges the squirrel, who squeaks: "Alright, Alright, I'm a f*ckin' rabbit!"
  2. what the hey?! http://www.alfforpresident.com/wood/woodferrari.htm
  3. pillar pods are such a ****ing rip-off.
  4. aidrian - yeah, I could prolly figure it out. might have to put the old shitty one back on for a while. mine leaks and so liz keeps stalling (and flooding) my car. tell you what, if my car didnt need a new clutch before, it will by the time my leg is right. stupid clutch riding hippies!
  5. morning all. no news today - adrian, why you selling ur bov and at what price. my prof sheepdog is ****ing turd.
  6. that one I've got is from jaycar. it also has an in-unit thermometer (measures temp inside the car) which is very useful when my girlfriend starts whinging about being too hot/cold and starts ****ing with the air con.
  7. yeah, I've got plain grey/black. you've got the same ones as cam. let me know what you find out. I might still be interested - as any mat is better than the rubber door mat I've got in there at the moment.
  8. cool. lemmie know how ur enquiries pan out. also - what is the colour on your current ones. cause I've got a different colour to cam (same year car and all).
  9. Mirkz, I have no drivers side one. wanna sell me yours? or go halvesies in a set?
  10. I'd generally agree with the comment tha you'd want a separate boost gauge to monitor boost - even if you've got an ebc showing the boost. but then again if you're computer is malfunctioning your pretty much up a sit creek anyways..
  11. posted this a while back, but I think you guys might appreciate it. it's one of my favourite sites to sit and stare....such a beautiful country.... http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~eg9/gallery.htm this link is a photo-bio of the mountain passes featured in initial D - including some incredible wide angle lens shots around the famous hairpins. enjoy!
  12. corn syrup, warm water and white vinegar - not too much vinegar else it tastes foul. if you gargle that you'll be sorted in no time!
  13. nah - I mean i really do know something.... i didnt mean my doodle. besides - that would be something ken would say!
  14. hey dan. oops - that didnt come out quite right!
  15. hey niz, I've got something for your sore throat.
  16. niz - shift is a motorbike accessry brand. like fox.
  17. working perth cup would roxxor! hello pissed chickies...... :lookaround: morning whores. anyone know if that r30 in tomj's avatar is his new car?
  18. apart from the fact that Im not sure how the numbers wouldnt light up, I can't see any reason why you couldnt just not wire-up the luminous ones and use the standard backlight. if you wanted plain white that is.
  19. cam - pretty sure Jase put his in by himself. Have to be thinking the same I reckon. I'd be keen for the luminous ones - but less keen for the white-faced ones that glow plain at night. and after xmas sounds good. when I have two legs again.
  20. when you buy a return ticket to south africa from australia, it sometimes works out more expensive than to buy a one way ticket and then buy a one wayer with SA rand home again, because of the exchange rate. follow? your best bet will probably be via sea-shipping....and you would be well advised to get quotes from both ends.
  21. I've got a sweet little temp sensor rigged up inside my cai partition. tells me the intake temps on hot days and gives me a rough feel for how the car should be performing etc. it's connected to a blue EL light thingo which also has a voltmeter on. loud stereo = need for a voltmeter. I'd like an ammeter too, but the feckin batterys in the boot, innit.
  22. hello joe, whadday ya know?
  23. so have you actually got a car yet?
  24. I may be interested...lemmie know how y'all go..
  25. you may find you need to get him to do the ringing. "Hi I'm 18 and my dad would like to insure his car that I'm going to drive every now and then.....can I have a quote?"
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