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Everything posted by zanda

  1. werd. buy an evil s13 and in 5 years time by the time you can afford the insurance the r34s will be 20 - and you'll have an r34 and an s13. plus, when you bin it, you'll be recycling and doing the world a favour! :bunky terror:
  2. I presume that's a typo al? taste. mate.....
  3. saw a good story the other night actually. I never knew!?!
  4. for those who havent got it - check it. HPI have got a GTS special edition mag out at the moment. well worth the 8 squids.......
  5. I'll be there. I'm paid up, and I've got a badass sticker.... well, I'll be there for immoral support. *touch*
  6. yeah, they were after kyms rims of mass destruction..... but then they heard G-dubbya comin and thought it best to do a runner!?!
  7. rofl.
  8. hahaha... probably would, my son. prolly would. :fish:
  9. oh, god..!!!? did I just sound like TJ !?!?!?! hahaha
  10. heard this thing today. animul~!
  11. thanks for the overwhelming response guys! Due to a "development" at work, I've been without net access for about the last two weeks, however this has now been sorted out. There's a bit of a backlog that I will need to clear over the next day or two, but if you've sent me your form - you should be hearing from me shortly. thanks for your patience and commitment to the cause... Al.
  12. got mugen sticker?
  13. Hay street is my favourite. third gear rev limiter as I pass his majesty's. "Subs and the pedestrians go bomp-de-bomp-de-bomp-bomp" :tongue + cheek:
  14. could have got a LOT more.
  15. :bs!: :throwup: haha. sorry dan. VL interiors are DATED. *does box man dance*
  16. fane, have you actually considered just getting yours professionally painted by a mag-repair shop? will be miles cheaper than what you'd lose on sell and re-buy and you'd get to keep your dish.
  17. that's pretty bloody good fane! stix, congrats on your car. hope you enjoy it for three months...... You've gotta feel for the guy. He would have only had one or two drinks to have blown that. It's under 0.05 ffs. when I'm old and on P's again, I'll remember to only have one lemonade wih a dash of gold.
  18. your car should go apeshit for this mike. get yourself some old tyres first though.
  19. I'd also be of the opinion that without serious work, the GTS4 will be underpowered compared to a stockish gts-t. find an r32 s-t with rb25det transplant.....or worse..... If I was looking to buy another nissan at around that price I'd be thinking something mega cool.... while the 89 rules still exist. Leopard/cima/laurel/iron mask/ceffy.
  20. you were originally planning to wolf it right?
  21. :dig: jeebus!
  22. so have you sold the Rb20?
  23. I just spat coffee all over the monitor
  24. this is crap advice. if you're 17, just got your license and think you're indestructable..... then you're probably 17..... and you're probably not (infallible). dude, why dont you start out with a cheaper but equally fun car. like a silvia or an R31.....
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