meggala's site has a run down of what's involved.
do a search for meggala - he's on the forums and there's a link in his sig, or alternatively, just google it.
I went through this when I was thinking about a soarer - cause the cost of conversion seems to sit in the order of three grand but the cost of buying a manual in the same condition can be up to 5k.....
anyway I ended up buying a manual line because I wanted a drivers car not a weighty battleship..
the cach is that whilst you can buy an auto and convert it, most people get their auto cars here and end up tossing up between a dog box and a new turbo...or a computer and intercooler package..
basically you can make an auto go a lot faster for the same price as a manual - but the catchn is it's still an auto.
either way you end up paying......and so most people just buy the manual to start with and save the hassle...
..but each to their own, and if you're in a position to be able to do most of the work yourself, you may find that it's most cost effective to do the conversion yourself...give meggala's site a rinse and suss out what's involved.