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Everything posted by zanda

  1. aidwin - how much do you want for the drivers seat? seriously? heya baminator. dan - optus? I like optus, but their plans such. **** paying $400 for a nokia - I'll go up the road to 3 and get one that sings, dances, takes ammetuer porn video, photos and brushes my teeth for me. got any with free dvds? :bahaha:
  2. Paully, there's always work to do. I've never heard of a job where someone who was motivated couldne find something that needed doing.
  3. dan - you guys are aligned with yukky vodafone, arent you?
  4. heya dan, heya aidwin! dan - I need a new phone...... got any good deals on a $44 dollarish plan?
  5. hey there paully - you know you could have tried doing some work... that always passes the time
  6. oh, it hurts! *wipes tear*
  7. haha. you shouldnt throw glass stones, you might hit someone in the eyes..... Pantene Paul, now with even bigger wings, for your protection.
  8. yo, riaz, I've also got 6x9s available on request..
  9. morning all.. whoring last night was non-existant!! boozing and Internat rules tommorrow arvo! boooyah! niz and paul - like sands through the hourglass... :spew: aidwin - new kit? dan - it feels the same, just with less lumbar support denver I need a new mobile. mine's phuckeded
  10. yeah, I saw that....I will be there. shitty days are a fact of life I spose. big project, big $$ at stake, big workloads.
  11. and what about the tonight vs weekend?
  12. that was a very good joke... Ive had THAT kuntish of a day.....I think I will go for a fangfang tonight to clear my shoulders of the burden that is my shitty life.
  13. hey paully.... what was the reply on that bling question??
  14. hahah.. I reckon its cool as! pimpin velour and strobes....every pornstars dreams..
  15. http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/au/st...sp?StockID=1434
  16. http://files.franzonline.net/images/2003-1...t3/DSC00512.JPG
  17. I reckon silvias are awesome....and as a throwaround thrash-car I think theyre better than skylines... but they feel a bit tinny and the steering doesnt have the same direct point and shoot feel. I also think that you can make s13s look a lot better than r33s, but that's only a personal opinion..
  18. my favourite..
  19. I like silvias...alot. I just think skylines are a bit nicer to drive. just like how convertible Zs are awseome cars, but I'd rather have a Z3 beemer. theyre just nicer..
  20. paul - what power are you streeting with now? also - why were there so many cars that didnt run on the dyno? wasnt that supra good for about 1000bhp?
  21. paul - what power are you streeting with now? also - why were there so many cars that didnt run on the dyno? wasnt that supra good for about 1000bhp?
  22. shit, sorry paully. forgot about that on sunday..... will come and get them this weekend? or if you need tha cash this evening? btw - lamination was about 10 squids - so is it cool if I just give you $20 for the tee? aidwin - schweeet! will you ride me? I mean, take me for a spin? bam, now everyone will be fasta than mee!!
  23. lol. looks heaps better, but in some ways no different... I picked it a mile off on friday, and didnt realise till I got up much closer that it was a different bloody bar!
  24. ketchup paul - car looks wicked in that pic... aidwin - do you have an engine yet?? bam - when did you decide to turn your motor into a bad-boy intercooler go fast machine? ... feeling a but better now. had sausage roll and the room has stopped spinning...
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