here here. congrats and well done to all the SAU team.
the lovely SAUWA models, biggups the princess shoes,
and congrats to paul, aidwin, Erik, brett, danny and Simon..
let the rebuilds begin!
my point is not that the high flow is more expensive, just that many people opt for spending a little more on a bigger bolt on - because they generally support more power.
****, paulie.
I think my red car may be becoming someone elses red car - and will be used to move cam's shit on friday arvo.
Sorry dude. you should have told me earlier!
adrian and aidwin are up early!
morning whores!
what's going on? (what's going on....sing it marvin)
paully, found me a ludicrously cheap twin plate yet?
I'm thinkin' "5'7"?? this dude's a friggin shortass."
haha. that man's a girl, girl!
Teghan - my mates "uncle" owns extreme machines. they do get some very nice cars there.......
Advanti's :drool: