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Everything posted by zanda

  1. neeed sleeeep. neeeed bad food.... :uh-huh: eyes hurty..
  2. buuuuurghh! alex feel like hangovery....
  3. well, this post was supposed to happen at midday. thats how kkuntish my day has been....
  4. lol, so what did she think of Lauren's outfit, mate?
  5. here here. congrats and well done to all the SAU team. the lovely SAUWA models, biggups the princess shoes, and congrats to paul, aidwin, Erik, brett, danny and Simon.. let the rebuilds begin!
  6. lagwagon, my point is not that the high flow is more expensive, just that many people opt for spending a little more on a bigger bolt on - because they generally support more power.
  7. ECL, it depends on what power you are seeking, but for the costs and effort involved, you'll find most people opt for a bigger bolt-on..
  8. yeah, morning lee... Punk! I'm overworked and cranky.
  9. one day till what? what, say what say what ... WHAT!
  10. morning glory..... :ptoing!:
  11. debts.....try having a $200,000 debt. ball and chain-tastic!
  12. beta-male? the one that sneaks up on the girls of whoretown and tries to boinky them while the alpha-male isnt looking? um,....no. lol.
  13. pppfffft. paully shoves of and everyone leaves..? classic. the alpha-male of whoretown.
  14. oh, ok. I sent to to him about 2 minutes beforehand. sorry to have left you out. always funny when you see how quickly spammy emails do the rounds....
  15. what's paul not-working on today?
  16. lauren - did you just get that movies thing from paul or cam?
  17. paulie - got the laminated sheets. they look the goods..
  18. ****, paulie. I think my red car may be becoming someone elses red car - and will be used to move cam's shit on friday arvo. Sorry dude. you should have told me earlier!
  19. jeebus, adrian and aidwin are up early! morning whores! what's going on? (what's going on....sing it marvin) paully, found me a ludicrously cheap twin plate yet?
  20. lol. I'm thinkin' "5'7"?? this dude's a friggin shortass." haha. that man's a girl, girl! Teghan - my mates "uncle" owns extreme machines. they do get some very nice cars there....... Advanti's :drool:
  21. more work to do.
  22. paul - if you need my red car you better tell me. otherwise, fck off and I'll see you lata.
  23. roger that.
  24. wtf? you talking to me (Al) paully? dan - you needum stoppum smoke-um. or start. one of the two.
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