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Everything posted by zanda

  1. ew @ paul's holy Jeans. paul needs some bigger Jeans. John travolta can show off his nuts through his tight pants, but paul shouldnt. particularly following comparison between Travolta nuts and Cornes nuts. like comparing walnuts to pistacios.
  2. dan - what do I stand accused of doing to you bot-bot? paul - short men and tall women look silly. that said, I wish I had an amazon..... *burys face in amazon's boobs* :nurture-ey:
  3. that song is a ****ing discgrace. sorry niz. I hate commercial radio music.
  4. I wasnt there tho. dan - ?? Sexzilla, I hate that.....couldnt you burn it to a cd? Pitty. Porn is such a long-time investment to collect. haha.
  5. your bum bum? preez exprain?
  6. why do you call the man DANVER?? also, Denver, can I look at that link at work?
  7. you are a slck prick paulie! it really is a wonder that they pay you a salary.. ..at least I know where all my HECS is going.
  8. Actually, that would make a good number plate. |0UTTAGUM|
  9. alex's new bumper sticker: ...I'm all outta gum.
  10. lol @ arnie email niz.... that one will cop a forwarding..
  11. yeah, might contact some go-kart places next week. we could have a SAUWA only event one night, so that people can do some race-training, and then have a bigger day event on a sunday where we could invite other teams/clubs. catch is, we need someone not-me to enter from SAUWA for the inter-comp. Im too ****ing heavy!
  12. so when is the metros/dinner thing? sat night? I'm sure the SilWA people just got smashters at PAS indoors last year..... esky stylee.
  13. it's at burswood racecourse isnt it? near graham farmer? where it was last year? I wanna organise that go-kart night once pas is over and done with. paully, you interested? we could theoretically have a vs. go-kart battle day against other clubs..... SAU vs SILWA vs RBs. the guys from import scene could come too, and spend all day attaching glow sticks to the bottom of their karts, then sitting in the carpark glaring at people and judging their own karts..
  14. ****, ask it again. theyre here on my desk un-trimmed and un-laminated, but I'll take care of it prior to friday. if worst comes to worst I'll drop them off to you at burswood on friday arvo after work. chill winston.
  15. I am rubber? I am rubber, you are glue, insults bounce off me and stick to you.
  16. haha. rascally sea dogg racing
  17. paul, when it comes to insults about music mate - I am rubber, you are glue. the very notion that someone who listens to house could bag jungle music is preposterous in the extreme.
  18. in fact, quite a few dnb gigs are held at metros. they love dnb people cause we're all pissheads!
  19. cool! that's a fast AND furious idea!
  20. zanda


    mark - that's a different noise. something to do with the shaft bearings I think.....anyway, it's not worth worying about. For the work required to fix it, you're better off letting them shit themselves and then repair. it's pretty common in both the Rbs and the SRs
  21. haha then you can sell it!
  22. sorry mate. you're too hot not to imitate. get moving. see you at 8.
  23. lol Dan and Bam, the flower pot maam.
  24. stuttering STANLEY!
  25. bam likes to watch. 8 o'clock. better get your skates on..
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