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Everything posted by zanda

  1. did anyone else see that car on Orrong Road last night? near Archer Street? about 8:20, I drove past and the FESA people were just rocking up. I think the police closed the westbound lanes. not sure if anyone was inside the thing, but it had hit a tree and the fire was so intense I couldnt see inside the car..flames about 20ft high. Just wondering if there were people in it or if was stolen and torched. Scary either way..
  2. jeepers Shaun, that's an awseome time. congrats..
  3. lol @ tom. anyone around?
  4. I can imagine you snubbing the poor silvias. silvias are people too!
  5. looper looper looper looper looper looper looper looper looper looper looper mushroom mushroom
  6. it wuld have been silver - I was right behind it. you're a fuggin looper!
  7. work spamry like you would have noticed it
  8. haha. I drove past and saw the auster in the bushes and you standing there holding a torch. wtf? why is sean holding a torch on melville parade in the middle of the day?
  9. cool .It wont be for a month or two, I just need to figure out what sort if budget I need. is it worth trying to do myself - or better just to pay someone $300 to install it for me? cause that $300 could be used to lighten the factory flywheel or whatever..?
  10. Dan, that was whigetty whigetty whigetty whack. **** I dunno. isnt it the 10th today? what the fruck is going on with my calendarness.
  11. yeah, I'm working overtime this weekend - for a few hours at least. putting up some latticework in the back yard too...put the support poles up last weekend. i'm gonna save up using the money from my overtime and buy a new clutch - Paul, know where I can get a cheap twin plate?I want something that will one day need to stand up to my rb30det. my bro is in a really cool-ass band. might go check him on friday or sunday nights in scarborough.... mates ae having rugby drinks tonight too. or alternatively I might stick my head in at the japspec cruise...not sure yet.
  12. ok cool. so what's everyonew up to this weekend? when are the driving events on, and is anyone going to go and watch?
  13. it's loud and ugly..... can I enter just the SPL? what would it cost to do that?
  14. hey aidwin - you back in perth yet? paul - sorry about pas, dude. I remembered after you left on wed night that you asked me ages ago to enter so that we could have someone in spl. isnt pas this weekend?
  15. morning whores. what's going on? boosty HAHA. I just realised what your sig reminds me of - that cross dressing black jazz singer Bootzy Collins. lol
  16. raasclaat, your boy got out of the tinting business and moved to england. he put me onto another guy, but he wasnt as cool. he still quoted me a pretty cheap price tho.
  17. lol @ paul. you might have the power thing down pat but don't talk to me about tunage or volume. seriously - those cheap jaycar tweets are gold.
  18. gradenko - for cheap tweets, (i'm absolutely serious) buy those 48 jaycar ones. theyre actually pretty halfway decent. I've got them in a 3-way setup on my rear shelf and I had them up front in m old car. for $16, ya cannae go wrong!
  19. gradenko - dial a nerd!
  20. I dunno, sorry mate. I'm pretty sure they do. I know thay had probs with them first up - something to do with the glue they were using, but they fsorted it out. those splits are ****ing awseome, btw. I've got them in my car and I reckon they're better than some $600 splits i've heard.
  21. hooray for $150 cam gears
  22. well, that's pretty easy....
  23. he wanted to, but his gat was under my seat, and my long legs were in the way.
  24. rob - just out of interest, what were you launching at last night? and were you dumping or feeding?
  25. hey rob, and everyone else I forgot to say hi to. feck you to aidwin for ignoring my ass... dan - you have nightmares about p platers in red shitboxes?
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