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Everything posted by zanda

  1. empty room room room room room
  2. heya danny bwoy.
  3. sorry boostzor, was asking bam, but everyones always welcome to join... bam - what do you do at evo R?
  4. lol. do the options include a weel upgrade? that looks like my old meteor. I'm sure the b&w image doesnt do it any favours.
  5. *bbbrrrrrup!* wanna come to ze moon tonight>/?
  6. seeya.
  7. jeepers niz.....you're about the same height as me, and you weight 2/3 of what I do......and you're about as fat as most stick-figures..... just be careful girly. those things are VERY addictive. both medically and psychologically. boostzor - is the auster FF? Ca18det? and does it look sorta like the old boxy corrolas?
  8. niz, wtf are you doing taking appetite suppresants??
  9. ouch. sleeping with the fishes....that's a bit harsh!!
  10. pity about the ugly front bar!
  11. boostxor - what do you do for coin? and will you have the auster there for me to ogle tomorrow night?
  12. pm me prices for the subs? sans boxes?
  13. bam - does that mean you can get cheap trial kits??
  14. boostzor - y31 nissan laurel, with an SR. booyaka! niz - nice houses are good. somehow I'd rather own that yellow sil80 than a beemer or a merc tho. it's all about the status. VIP Baybee. fcuk this stupid slow server.
  15. niz - like a skyline?? nah - it's all d-styled. I'm yet to see an effectively d-styled 33-t. save perhaps for the do-luck one. I shall have the first...when I grow rich.
  16. haha. look at the guy in the background.... "what the ??"
  17. nice rims, wot!
  18. niz - not even this? http://www.kaizousha.com/details.php?carid=1030
  19. whoa....... http://www.kaizousha.com/details.php?carid=1354
  20. rofl. that's cause it's whack. niz - its a bit rough to lump s13s with civics. but I can understand the appeal. besides, some of the silvia kits are waaaay better than anything available for a skyline. I want to buy an already pimping cedric......then will you love me niz?
  21. how fast would it have run? btw - 9 months is a poor excuse for a speculative comment.... I had mine on the road 3 days before it was down at the plex.
  22. I know the spoiler shop are busy with PAS people. Spoke to josh the other day - he said that they were spastically busy. make a nice change from fitting SSV lancers.... :freak: SIlWA have got some MAD cars with very expensive kits going in.... so did you ever run this car at the plex?
  23. so then why did you ditch the supra? pffft.. killed my car. by what margin?
  24. I had a play with some girls in one of those old 1jz supras..... ...that didn't sound right but anyway.... ...I was honestly surprised how slow it was. It had a boost gauge, so I can only assume it was running higher boost!??
  25. initial D is awse. the honour of the downhill... Ive seen an FC around with a big redsuns sticker too! so is erik gonna race?? I want to meet this cat. He's a looper!
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